Hark! Hast thou endeavored to make a call from thy iPhone, only to find that it doth not pass through? Perchance thou canst not discern the outgoing dial tone, or the attempt at calling doth end abruptly. Lo, thy screen may display an error message, proclaiming "Call Failed."
Fear not, for here I prithee with all the various methods to mend thy iPhone when it doth forbid thee from making phone calls.
1. Toggle Off Airplane Mode
When Airplane Mode hath been enabled on thy iPhone, this feature doth disable both incoming and outgoing texts and calls. ‘Tis necessary to prevent interference whilst on a plane. Yet if Airplane Mode hath no need at this moment, ensure it is turned off by accessing thy iPhone’s Control Center and tapping the "Airplane Mode" icon.
Behold, toggling Airplane Mode on and off may also mend seemingly unrelated calling issues.
2. Check Thy Mobile Plan
If thy iPhone doth not make calls but will text, thou may need to inspect thy mobile plan. To make a call using thy iPhone’s Phone app, thou dost require an active mobile plan with sufficient call credit or minutes.
Some plans may tout the inclusion of unlimited calls, but the catch may be that this feature doth not apply to all types of phone numbers, or thou can only use it during certain times of the day.
Hence, seek counsel with thy network to ascertain if thy mobile plan hath expired or hath insufficient credit. If this be so, simply reload thy account, switch to a more suitable plan if need be, and thou shalt be able to commence making calls once more.
3. Check Thy Phone Signal
If thou art at a remote outdoor location, or if it doth rain or snow in thy area, thou may experience poor cell reception. Verify the cell signal icon in thy iPhone’s status bar to discern if this be the reason thy phone doth not allow thee to make calls.
Should there be but one vertical bar filled in, thou can endeavor to move to another location to obtain a stronger signal to make a call. For instance, if thou art in thy chamber, simply journeying to other areas in thy dwelling, such as the kitchen or garden, may procure thee the signal thou require.
Should there be no bars at all, or if thou dost see "No Service" in the status bar, visit thy network provider’s website and seek a coverage map to discover if thou art meant to receive any signal in thy current location.
4. Turneth On Wi-Fi Calling
Wi-Fi calling doth aid thee in making (and receiving) calls when thou hath poor cellular reception but can connect to a Wi-Fi network.
Peradventure thou canst not make calls on thy iPhone or find that thy calls art frequently cut off, thou may assay enabling the feature to resolve the issue. Simply journey to Settings > Phone > Wi-Fi Calling. Toggle on "Wi-Fi Calling on This iPhone."
5. Check for a Carrier Settings Update
Another resolution is to inspect if thy carrier provider hath network-related updates. Firstly, connect thy iPhone to Wi-Fi or enable cellular data. Then, visit the Settings app. Select General and tap About.
Should an update be available, thou shall see a Carrier Settings Update prompt. Tap Update to commence the installation.
6. Restart Thy iPhone
A common yet efficacious mending for most technical issues is to merely reboot thy device. Different iPhone models oft have dissimilar restart methods. Thus, if thou art unsure precisely what to do, thou can peruse our dedicated guide on restarting thy iPhone. It matters not even if thy iPhone’s buttons art broken.
7. Remove and Reinsert Thy iPhone’s SIM Card
A working SIM card is vital to text and make calls from thy iPhone. Should thy device not detect thy SIM card properly, this may be why thy iPhone doth not make calls.
The simple remedy is to safely remove the SIM card from thy iPhone and reinsert it. The SIM card tray doth lie on the side of thy iPhone. To eject the tray, thou canst use the SIM-eject tool included in thy iPhone box (or a straightened paper clip).
After removing the SIM card, gently wipe it with a soft, lint-free cloth. Then, place the SIM card back into the tray and slide it into thy iPhone. ‘Tis important to handle these components carefully to avoid causing harm to thy device in the process.
8. Update Thy iPhone
Apple’s iOS software updates oft come with bug fixes that mend minor software glitches. Sometimes, thou canst resolve thy iPhone’s call issues by simply keeping thy iPhone up to date.
Therefore, peruse our guide on updating thy iPhone, or just journey to Settings > General > Software Update to perceive if an update is available for thy device.