Brazil bans sale of iPhone without charger, Apple reciprocates 1

Brazil bans sale of iPhone without charger, Apple reciprocates

Relations between Apple and Brazilian authorities are strained. In 2021, Brazil fined Apple $2.38 million for removing the charger from iPhone 12 boxes. Consumer protection laws in the country require manufacturers to include this accessory when selling a new smartphone. Moreover, in recent months, many consumer organizations have sued Apple on the same grounds.

And Brazilian justice gave them a reason, banning the sale of iPhone 12 and iPhone 13, as well as any iPhone model without a charger in the box. A blow to the US firm as it prepares to launch its new iPhone 14. In an instruction published in the Brazilian equivalent of the official gazette, the Ministry of Justice stated, “deliberate discriminatory practice against consumers“.

Ban on sale of uncharged iPhone a day before iPhone 14’s announcement

Apple has already stated that it will appeal this decision. So far, officials have dismissed the environmental argument for getting rid of the charger from iPhone cases. They concluded that Apple provided no evidence that removing the chargers would lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions.

“We’ve already had several court orders on this in Brazil and we are confident that our customers are aware of the different charging and connectivity options for their devices”Apple announced that it wanted to continue working with the Brazilian regulator and to make itself accessible. “Relieve your worries”.

Source : Reuters

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