Apple: iPhone manufacturing issues will continue in 2023 1

Apple: iPhone manufacturing issues will continue in 2023

A few weeks ago, violent protests erupted at Apple’s main iPhone manufacturing factory in Zhengzhou, China. Workers had massively fled the factory for fear of contracting COVID-19. The country is currently experiencing a very important new wave.

Due to the large number of curfews in China due to the zero covid policy and the large number of current hospitalizations in the country, the production of the iPhone 14, which is mostly made in China, has been hit hard. It’s unlikely to be much better next year. Given the supposed limited efficacy of Chinese vaccines, Workers at Apple factories are likely to be regularly affected by the new waves.

iPhone 14 Pro may be famine in 2023

Already at the beginning of December, the supply of the iPhone 14 Pro was so limited that Apple could not guarantee delivery before Christmas. Now, when you go to the official Apple website, iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max always show delivery in one to two weeks, ie not before 2023.

There is no problem with the classic 14 and 14 Plus models, as we remind you, these are much less popular than the Pro models. It’s the apparent lack of innovation that has driven fans to return to the most expensive versions. Apple also revised its targets downwards with the iPhone 14 Plus, which it could not really sell.

While the year-end celebrations are usually the reason for the American giant to break new sales records, everything points to the fact that Christmas 2022 is finally a dark period for the company.

To keep up with this pace, Apple will move some of its production to its Chennai factory in India, which currently produces about 5-10% of iPhone 14s.According to JP Morgan analysts, Apple could manufacture 25% of all iPhones in India by 2025. This new strategy will make the company much less dependent on China in the future.

Source : Financial Times

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