39 iOS 10 Tips & Tricks & Hidden Features 1

39 iOS 10 Tips & Tricks & Hidden Features

Use these iOS 10 tips and tricks to do more with your iPhone and iPad. We’ll also show you the hidden features of iOS 10 that can change the way you use your iPhone or iPad.

Most iPhones are on iOS 10 or the newer iOS 10.2.1 update that includes new features that we’ll show you how to use.

Apple released iOS 10 to iPhone and iPad as a free update in September 2016 and iOS 10.2.1 in early 2017. Whether you’ve used iOS 10 for months or just installed it, there’s a lot to learn.

Once you get past the basics, there are great hidden iOS 10 features and essential iOS 10 tips and tricks that can help you become an iPhone pro in minutes.

Open iPhone Camera From Lock Screen

How to open camera from iOS 10 lock screen.

To open the iPhone camera from the lock screen, you need to swipe in from the right edge of the screen. In iOS 9 you had to swipe up from the bottom right corner, but that will now only open the Control Center. If you open the Control Center, you can 3D Tap the camera icon to switch to the camera mode you want.

Delete Stock Apple Apps

iOS 10 lets you delete stock Apple apps. this frees up a very small amount of space and also allows you to remove them from your Home Screen without storing them in a folder. You can always reinstall them from the App Store. Hold down any app icon and then tap the X on the stock iPhone apps you want to delete when they start wiggling.

Use the New iOS 10.2 Emoji

Take advantage of all the new iPhone emojis.

Take advantage of all the new iPhone emojis.

If you update to iOS 10.2 or iOS 10.2.1, you can now use many new iPhone emojis. These include the following new emojis;

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You’ll also see lots of new iPhone emoji options for genders and occupations.

Login to TV Apps

Stay signed in to TV apps so you don't have to sign in every time.

Stay signed in to TV apps so you don’t have to sign in every time.

The iOS 10.2 update includes a new TV app. It solves an important problem as well as watching the TV series and movies you are currently watching from a single place.

Here you can sign in to your TV provider and this will allow you to sign in to individual apps used by networks and premium providers.

To get started, go to. Next, you will see options to link accounts to the TV app.

Track Your Movies and TV Shows

Another cool thing you can do in iOS 10.2 and later is to open the TV app to see where you are in the TV shows and movies you’re watching. This is also shown on your iPhone, iPad and new Apple TV.

Open the app to see what’s next and see what else you can watch.

Quick Access to Apple Music Controls

Quickly change Apple Music playback options.

Quickly change Apple Music playback options.

When you update to iOS 10.2 or higher, you can quickly change your Apple Music playback settings.

Swipe up from the bottom in the Apple Music app and you can see options to control Shuffle, Repeat, and Up Next.

Use Split View in Safari on iPad

How to use Safari Split View in iOS 10?

How to use Safari Split View in iOS 10?

You can now open two pages side by side when browsing a web page in Safari on iPad. Press and hold a link, then select Open in Split view to launch two web pages side-by-side. You can use each page independently. Great for comparison shopping.

See Your Notifications Quickly

When you pick up your iPhone, you can now see all your notifications without pressing a button. Raise to Wake is on by default, but if it’s not already working, you can turn it on in Settings -> Display & Brightness -> Raise to Wake. This allows you to quickly see your new notifications without pressing the home button or power button.

Use a Bedtime Alarm for Better Sleep

You can use the new iOS 10 Bedtime alarm to go to bed and wake up at the same time every night. This new feature reminds you when to go to bed and then wakes you up with a range of soothing morning tones. Here’s more information on how to use the iOS 10 Bedtime alarm and why you should use it.

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Find Your Parked Car

How to find your parked car in iOS 10

How to find your parked car in iOS 10

With iOS 10, your iPhone knows when you got out of a driving car and then marks that spot on Apple Maps. You will see a notification on your screen showing where the car you parked is.

How to Change Flashlight Brightness

How to change iPhone flashlight brightness in iOS 10.

How to change iPhone flashlight brightness in iOS 10.

The iPhone flashlight in iOS 10 now supports 3D touch so you can choose the brightness. Open Control Center and then 3D Touch the flashlight icon to choose the intensity of the light. Very useful for when you need some light to find your Lightning cable and don’t want to light up the bedroom.

How to Read Unread-Only Email in iOS 10

Filter Mail to show unread or other messages you need to read.

Filter Mail to show unread or other messages you need to read.

Do you use the Mail app to read your email? if so, this is a great iOS 10 tip that will save you a lot of time trying to capture emails.

At the bottom of the Mail app screen, tap the circle with three lines in it. This allows you to filter your Inbox. By default this will show you only unread messages. You can also tap in the middle to change the filter if you need to see Flagged, or if you only want to see messages that come to you, cc’ed to you, have attachments, or just come from a VIP.

Find Related iPhone Photos Quickly.

Find Related iPhone Photos Quickly.

When viewing a photo in iOS 10, swipe up to see related photos in Moments format, and swipe up to View Photos from today. You can also tap on Details to see this information and the location of the photo if saved.

How to Revert Touch to Unlock

How to open rest finger to unlock.

How to open rest finger to unlock.

If you don’t like the new press to unlock option in iOS 10, you can revert to the way it was in iOS 9. This will take you to rest to unlock and will unlock your iPhone when you put your finger on it. on the home button. go. Here’s more about this change.

Click for more iOS 10 tips.

Click for more iOS 10 tips.

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