YouTube goes Material Design on PC: how to test the new interface 1

YouTube goes Material Design on PC: how to test the new interface

If you haven’t had enough of Material Design, Google aims to give you a layer. After Chrome seen on PC with Material Design, it’s YouTube’s turn to test a new interface. Second, it’s pretty close to the mobile version, boasting colors, clean lines, and simple shapes.

The images speak for themselves, giving for example: YouTube channel Moyens I/OTV. Less white and more color (we’ll change it as it burns the eyes a bit).

youtube material design

Also change the gray highlight on the menu and mouse transition that displays icons and larger text, versus red at that time.

youtube material design menu

Enjoy YouTube Material Design on PC

Here is the manipulation to do. Before you start, I recommend logging out of your Google account.this maybe cause problems, not all of them work perfectly on all pages yet, and the interface has been modified a little bit before its final release.

material design youtube tutorial

6. Then refresh the YouTube page and voila!

Now you have the chance to test YouTube’s new Material Design on PC before it’s officially available. A more complex method, but at the same time more complete than the solution based on installing a Chrome extension that helps you migrate all Google services under Material Design.

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