Windows 10: how to display Android notifications on desktop 1

Windows 10: how to display Android notifications on desktop

Microsoft announced without excitement on its Twitter account: Android notifications are coming to Windows 10 via the app your phone. An application that already synchronizes SMS and Photos and should be gradually enriched with new features. Rollout is ongoing, so please wait a few more days if you don’t see notifications after completing this tutorial.

How to Show Android Notifications in Windows 10

It couldn’t be easier:

  • on your smartphone, Download and install your Phone Companion by clicking here
  • On your PC, check Settings > Accounts that your account is associated with a Microsoft account
  • Hungry Microsoft Store then install your phone
  • To connect your phone Go to your Microsoft account and follow the instructions

During installationYour Phone Friend It will ask you for a set of permissions – accept them all to enjoy all the functionality in Windows 10. At the end of the wizard, you will need to open it. your phone on your Windows 10 PC to complete the synchronization. After the installation is complete, you should enable notifications on your PC:

  • Open your phone
  • enter inside Settings
  • tick Let this app show text messages from my phone
  • tick Show notification banners

Then you should see certain notifications from your Android smartphone appear on your desktop when you receive them. It should be noted that currently, not everyone has access to notifications since the functionality was deployed. The change is visible on the server side, so the option will appear on the screen as soon as the feature becomes available. your phone.

When we tested the feature, it was not yet available on our device. If this is your case, feel free to share your views in the comments! If so, if you’re really keen on showing Android notifications on Windows 10, you have a few alternatives. One of them is the application, for example. thrust bullet which is installed from the Google Play Store.

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