Windows 10: 7 tips to copy files faster 1

Windows 10: 7 tips to copy files faster

How to copy files faster with keyboard shortcuts?

You may know them, but it costs nothing to remind them. One of the things that can save you time when you need to copy files is to have a good understanding of keyboard shortcuts, no matter how many. Select the files to be copied and then press the keys simultaneously:

  • CTRL+A to automatically select all files in a directory
  • CTRL+C to copy your selection, leaving the files where they are
  • CTRL+X copy to cut your selection i.e. deleting files in source directory

After your files are copied, navigate to the destination folder, then press the keys simultaneously:

  • Ctrl+V to start copying files to this location

How to copy files faster with mouse shortcuts?

Windows 10 select file keyboard mouse

There are also a few tricks you should know when combining keyboard keys with a mouse:

  • To hold CTRL press and click anywhere to select or deselect files
  • Click and hold a file Shift pressed – then click on a file lower in the directory to select all files in between

But there are also tricks. E.g :

  • If you move a file or group of files to another folder with the left mouse button, you will actually do the cut/paste equivalent.
  • If you right-click a file or group of files, a menu will suggest you move these files or keep a copy in the original folder.

How to copy files faster with Windows 10 built-in copy manager?

Windows 10 offers a very clean and advanced file copy interface. If you copy files to multiple individual instances, the built-in manager displays them all in the same window. This allows you to pause lower priority ones or while you are doing something else important on your computer. On this screen you can also see the speed at which your computer can copy files, which may indicate that hardware upgrades will be performed.

How to copy files faster with a third party app like TeraCopy?


One of the most popular file copying apps TeraCopy. The app goes further than Windows’ built-in manager as it uses other more efficient copying algorithms. Additionally, TeraCopy can verify that the copy is compatible by comparing each source file to its destination. It is also possible to configure a confirmation screen to prevent files from being accidentally moved.

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But that’s not all: TeraCopy can fully integrate with Windows File Explorers. Another advantage is that instead of interrupting everything when the program encounters a problem, it first copies everything that can be copied and then lets you choose the actions to take when finished. The program is freemium – although the paid version offers some more advanced features, it is still not required to take advantage of TeraCopy.

How to copy files faster from command prompt with Robocopy?


Alongside this solution is the Windows 10 built-in copy utility “Robocopy”. You’ve probably never used it, and for good reason: it’s only accessible via Command Prompt, and you need to know a few useful commands to get the most out of it.

To use Robocopy:

  • Open cmd Where power shield

From there you can use one of these examples:

  • Copy the contents of a C:\A folder to C:\B: robocopy C:\A C:\B
  • Copy the contents of a C:\A folder, including empty folders, to C:\B: robocopy C:\A C:\B /E
  • Copy only files older than 14 days: robocopy C:\A C:\B /move /minage:14

These are just some of the simplest examples this very advanced tool that deserves a long tutorial on its own. For example, it is possible to create mirror folders so that if you delete a file in one of the folders it will be lost in the other, or it is possible to copy only files of a certain size, or even limit the bandwidth of the copy if you want. to be able to use your computer more or less normally during the process. Many resources are available online to help you make particularly advanced copies with Robocopy. Obviously the advantage is that It is a completely free native Windows 10 tool.

How do you know which components to replace on your machine to speed up file copying?

inside the tower computer

If you find it a little long to copy files on your computer, it may be because:Whenever possible, it’s time to replace some internal components. It will often be said that replacing the hard drive or even replacing it with an SSD is enough to get significant improvements. Gold, let’s just say it’s not that simple. this data store from your computer, its processortogether interface to which your storage device is connected just as important. Similarly, for external drives, it’s important to have USB ports with the fast transfer standard (USB 3.0 or USB 3.1) and make sure your hard drive offers the appropriate connectivity to those ports.

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How do you know if you need to replace HDD/SSD

For this test we will use the free tool here CrystalDiskMark but you can use any alternative beforehand:

Just to give you an idea, a conventional hard drive has a speed of 150-250MB/s, while an entry-level SSD attached to SATA III should provide around 500MB/s read, 200MB/s write, and around 100MB. /s random write. There are other faster connectors, such as M.2, but your motherboard must support it. In this case, you can install a higher-quality SSD and achieve speeds easily exceeding one gigabit per second, which should inevitably speed up file copying.

But watch out If your computer is slow, replacing this component is probably not enough. There are three other components you can manipulate: RAM if the motherboard doesn’t offer fast enough USB ports and modern enough internal connectors that you have now, because everything copied goes through RAM (and you don’t). Not enough, it’s a bottleneck) and processor.

How do you know if you need to replace your motherboard?

It’s simple: if you want to switch to SSD and you only have SATA ports or if the USB ports are too slow, replacing the motherboard will permanently solve your problems. There are high-performance motherboards in the middle segment at very affordable prices.

How do you know if you need to add more RAM

Everything copied goes through RAM, and when you copy a large number of files, each of those files must be cached in memory. This means that, to be fair, no matter how fast your storage device is, it will slow down transfers and your computer in general. In 2021, 16GB is a normal amount of RAM.

How do you know if you need to replace the processor

If you change your motherboard, the question does not even arise, you will need a new processor. If so, your motherboard may accept a newer component. Don’t just rely on frequency to choose well. Go for more cores and thread counts as well as more dedicated channels for RAM.

Also, don’t forget to check if your drivers are up to date.

Before replacing a component final check: go to the manufacturer’s website for your hard drive and motherboard firmware and check that no newer drivers are found. If so, update everything. In some cases this can resolve bottlenecks that ultimately allow you to speed up file copying.

Of course, if you know of other tips, feel free to share them with the site’s community in the comments. We will add them to this folder in a future update.