What is the most secure mobile operating system? 1

What is the most secure mobile operating system?

Android will be less secure than iOS and iOS will be less secure than BlackBerry. There are all kinds of beliefs about mobile OS security, but which OS is actually the safest? Is there really an operating system that can claim to be more secure than others? There are so many questions we will try to answer.

Android and its bad reputation

Android has always had a bad reputation when it comes to security. It must be said that the many flaws exposed by Google’s operating system have a lot to do with it, starting with Stagefright, which lets you take full control of a phone from a simple MMS. Still, it’s a very dangerous flaw that makes it possible to raise real awareness on the part of Google, which has been offering security patches on its Nexus every month since then. Various manufacturers such as Samsung, LG or BlackBerry have also joined with Priv.

android security

The reason security has long been Android’s weak spot is because open source operating system. Developers code their applications in C++ or Java, making it easy for cybercriminals to insert malicious code. Not to mention rootkits like Ghostware, which not only hide their intentions but also manage to cover their tracks when their dark goals are achieved.

A study of more than 2.5 million applications last year, 97% of malware targeted Android. But if Google’s operating system is so widely targeted, it’s also because it’s the most widely used and popular operating system in the world.

Although the Play Store is not infallible, despite numerous security scans by Google, we see that the American giant reacts very quickly when a malicious application is detected. The best still just trust the play store and not downloading apps from external sources, even if it’s often very tempting.

  • Also read: How to encrypt your Android smartphone

iOS and its beautiful promises

In theory, iOS is an ultra-secure system. And rightly so, as all apps available on the App Store are subject to Apple’s extremely strict control. Also, it is not possible to install apps from external sources unless you jailbreak the device. However, some malware manages to get through the cracks. And yes, malware can infect iOS as well.

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We will remember the WeChat incident in particular, as at least 500 million users of the Chinese messaging app become potential targets for malware after a while. Modified version of Xcode used by developers approved by Apple. Version of Xcode available in at least 39 iOS apps available in the store at the time. Fortunately, Apple quickly reacted by removing all apps containing this infected Xcode from its store.

iphone malware

We will also remember the photos of naked celebrities who found themselves on the Internet after the match. victims’ iCloud accounts hacked. It’s a case that Apple never really sheds light on, but is the first to raise awareness among users.

On the alleged security of iOS, we’ll cite a very relevant quote from John Gunn, Vasco vice president of Data Security:

“Apple’s security strategy is so well-designed that perhaps the greatest danger is the false sense of security it gives developers and large numbers of iPhone users.”

The truth is, if Apple’s operating system is to some extent more secure than Google’s, it’s because of its closed nature. However, safe does not necessarily mean infallible. Note that despite Apple’s denial, the FBI still managed to circumvent the encryption on the San Bernardino attacker’s iPhone for $1.3 million.

Is BlackBerry the most secure operating system in the world?

While it’s more secure than many Android smartphones, the Priv is still a smartphone under Google’s operating system, as it first gets patches regularly, then integrates BlackBerry’s various security solutions, and that’s what all of this implies, but what about the old BlackBerry OS? devices?

blackberry safety

All legacy smartphones under the Canadian company’s home operating system were designed around one purpose: to provide faultless security to the user. It is no coincidence that they have such a good reputation with US President Barack Omaba and other political figures.

It’s only 2016, so if you decide to opt for a smartphone running BlackBerry OS, then you’re going for an older smartphone, and it’s often said that older smartphones are less secure. However, it seems that this is not entirely true for smartphones under BB10, which is still an excellent option.

If you decide to opt for a BlackBerry running Android like the Priv, you’ll of course get all the security updates before almost anyone else, significantly reducing the risks, but you’ll always be vulnerable to malware found in certain apps. Exploit Android vulnerabilities still unpatched.

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Windows Phone is too small to be of interest to hackers

Like Apple, Microsoft adopts a very closed policy regarding its mobile operating system. It is not possible to install apps from sources other than the Windows Store unless the smartphone is jailbroken. In addition, applications cannot interact with each other unless the user authorizes them, which limits the risks.

windows phone security

Obviously, this does not mean that the operating system is flawless, but by updating it regularly you will have the necessary patches. Also, unlike Android, which remains the undisputed leader of mobile operating systems, Windows Phone is not of particular interest to hackers because it is used by hackers. the target is too narrow.

However, keep in mind that while Windows 10 Mobile has made some improvements in this area, Microsoft is not the company with the best reputation when it comes to security. encryption option Via BitLocker technology. Without the key, files on the device become unreadable.