Uninstalling Apps on Galaxy S8 1

Uninstalling Apps on Galaxy S8

If you have too many apps or one app is killing your battery life, this guide will show you how to uninstall apps on Galaxy S8. Smartphones are often confusing and complicated for some, especially if you’re new to smartphones. If so, our quick hands-on video below is for you.

This could be your first Samsung Galaxy smartphone or your first smartphone ever. In this case, simple tasks like uninstalling apps are not so easy. With that in mind, we’re here to help you understand your phone and do it with ease.

Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ come with many pre-installed apps right out of the box. However, over the months and years of owning one, most users download far more. If you’re running out of space, your phone is running slow or acting funny, or you just want to clean things up, you’ll want to start by uninstalling a few apps.

This is a beginner’s guide. If you are new to Android or smartphones and want to delete apps on the Galaxy S8, there are several ways to do it. For quick help, watch the video above or follow our step-by-step instructions below.

Uninstalling Apps on Galaxy S8

Before we begin, it’s worth mentioning that you can only uninstall apps you downloaded from the Google Play Store. You cannot delete most of the apps that come pre-installed on your phone. However, you can disable these apps by following this guide. Read on to delete apps.


Additionally, you can open Google Play Store and search or find any app, then hit the big green Uninstall button in the app store. Finally, if you want a larger list of apps that are easier to see and read, you can also go here. Go back to the list, scroll down and tap on another app and choose uninstall to get rid of it.

Again, you cannot delete anything that came pre-installed on your phone. You will only see an option to disable or uninstall updates but unfortunately you cannot actually delete these apps.

That’s it, you now know how to uninstall apps on your Samsung Galaxy S8. It wasn’t too bad, was it? Before you go, take a look at these 10 cool things the Galaxy S8 can do, and here’s how to turn off that annoying Edge screen too. Good luck and drop us a comment below if you have any questions or concerns.

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