Tutorial: Install Android 4.3 on your PC 1

Tutorial: Install Android 4.3 on your PC

First start with:

Install the software as with any program on your computer. When done, you should all get to this type of interface when starting Virtualbox:

We are going. Get started by clicking the button “New”. Then enter a name of your choice for the disc and “other” for type and version:

For the rest you will need to configure this virtual disk. At the RAM level, put whatever you want according to your computer configuration. For myself, I chose 2 GB of RAM:

Check the line for hard disk “Create a virtual hard disk now”as follows:

you are requested select the file type of the virtual disk. Let’s not complicate this and choose the default Virtualbox type, namely the VDI format:

The next window is about disk storage. Check the option to save storage space “Dynamically allocated” but it will slowly fill up to the limit you put on this image:

Exactly, it’s time to choose the size of the storage disk for your virtual system. Again, The choice is up to you according to the uses you will use from the system.. For myself, I chose to reserve up to 10GB for Android 4.3:

Done to prepare our virtual machineyou should now populate this window with any information from the newly created virtual disk:

Installation of virtualized system

Now that we have it, let’s install it now. First, we need to get the Android iso image to install:

  • Download android-x86-4.3-devel iso

File should weigh around 200MB (199 Months to be exact). Now we can start the machine by clicking the button. “To start” with green arrow. The latter starts and we are prompted to quickly select a boot disk:

Browse your system to select your ISO image and “Open” in the explorer window:

Normally, your image should be there with the specified size, ready to boot:

Virtuabox will reboot and automatically boot to the iso (like a bootable USB key). Choose from the menu that appears before your eyes. “Installation – Install Android-x86 on Harddisk”. Obviously, this hard drive is actually our pre-created virtual disk, so don’t worry, none of your data will be affected:

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Then we’ll create a score (keeping it simple for this tutorial), so “Create/Change Partitions” and accept:

A black screen is displayed and indicates that there is free space of the size you reserved earlier:

Select the option with the arrows (left and right) on your keyboard [New] and accept what is presented to you without changing the size of the partition:

A name for your partition (usually sda1) appeared under the Name column. Select option to continue [Bootable] To start Android directly in this unique partition. Besides, the word “Boots” appeared in the column “Flags” :

Now let’s write our score on the option [Write]. Then write the word “Yeah” press the question asked to you and “Living room” :

you can choose with confidence [Quit] To return to the previous interface, which should show your beautifully rendered score:

Let’s move on, we’re almost there. Choose your score. You will then be prompted to choose a file format. In any case, prefer the system and more formats “ext3” this time:

Be warned that your partition will be formatted. reply “Yes” :

This time you are suggested to install GRUB. Simply put, it is the one that will allow you to boot into the system and also allow you to boot into another operating system if you have several operating systems installed. To choose “Yes” then to the question “Do you want to install the /system directory as read-write”select “Yes” Again :


I’ll please you by saying we’re done. Look at the screen in front of you for proof, Android available ! Let’s start by choosing “Run android-x86” doing it later “OK” :

Launched Android 4.3 on PC

This is the most interesting part of this tutorial. Well, we have created a virtualized system, but this offers the advantage of being safe as well as being more practical.

While booting Android, you can be proud to observe this screen:

Past boot logo, welcome message loaded components for system configuration Android:

It asks you the usual questions about your Gmail account, Google services and WiFi setup (ignoring that, Android took into account my wired connection) and geographic location. Following all this, you must specify who owns the mobile device:

And Android system preparation finally completed :

After starting it as it was installed on a laptop from late 2012. The first observed point is that my screens in reception are scrolling according to my resolution. This is probably because I’m using a virtual machine:

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As for the apps menu, it’s flawless. There is everything and despite virtualization we feel a lot of fluidity in the interface:

And considering I’m working on a fiber optic connection, not WiFi:

Finally, a small overview of the settings for those who have doubts about the version of the Android system. We’re on Android 4.3 Jelly Bean for our ultimate pleasure :

This tutorial is coming to an end. I hope he gave you this request Install and test this new Android 4.3 system on your computer.

But in my tests, the . Also, after logging into my Google account and downloading a few apps from the Play Store and trying to run them, they started straight away and then stopped.

in my opinion these problems are very dependent on the computer used. First, the system was virtualized, and nothing says the results will naturally not be better. Also, my computer is non-tactile and remains a classic laptop, not a laptop or eePC.

Let us know if your tests passed – and what do you think of this Android 4.3 port for all computers?