Speed ​​test: how to measure the speed of your internet connection 1

Speed ​​test: how to measure the speed of your internet connection

Ping, upstream and downstream rate, various applications provide a reliable estimate of the connection speed provided by your carrier, whether you have a Fiber or ADSL connection or connected on 3G or 4G. Results can change within minutes or when moving from one platform to another. This may be due to local factors affecting the result. It is therefore important to ensure that the tests are performed under optimal conditions. To do that, here are the 5 best tools for you speed test to measure your connection speedbut also some precautions that must be taken for reliable results.



speedmart.net It has a simple and intuitive interface. Go to the website, click the Start Speedtest button on the home page and measure the latency of your connection as well as the increasing and decreasing speed. The site is based on HTML5 technology and provides more accurate results, not flash. And if you want to do a speed test from a smartphone, Speedsmart is also available in mobile version on Play Store and App Store.

Download Speedsmart from Play Store



We no longer need to introduce nPerf, which regularly presents the barometer of the best French operators for speed based on testing on its platform. nPerf has several servers that can saturate your Internet connection to extract reliable data (latency, upload and download speed) regardless of connection type: ADSL, fiber optic, 3/4G, etc.

Download nPerf from Play Store


speed test

Regardless of the type of access, it is one of the most popular platforms for speed testing, with servers located around the world to get all the useful information about the performance of your Internet connection. Its only flaw is that it takes longer than most apps to complete a full test. Speedtest is also available on iOS and Android.

Download Speedtest from Play Store



You have trouble silently streaming content on Netflix and want to know at what speed you are surfing the platform. Fast.com is a speed testing site owned by the SvoD giant. Surprisingly simple. You don’t even need to click on anything. Just go to the site and the measurement starts automatically and the result is displayed on the screen. Click the “More info” link to get Ping and Uplink metrics. Fast is available on Play Store and App Store.

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Quick Download from Play Store



More than a speed test app. Opensignal provides a map to visualize the location of base stations of worldwide networks, along with information about the signal strength in the selected area. That’s why you can check the quality of your carrier’s network, perform uplink and downlink speed tests, compare the coverage of mobile networks (2G, 3G, 4G)… To take advantage of this, you need to download the mobile application from: Play Store or App Store.

Download OpenSignal from Play Store

How to obtain reliable measurements?

Several factors can skew the result of your speed tests. For a reliable measurement, here are some steps you should take before starting the test.

For speed testing with WiFi or Ethernet connection on a box or router

  • It will be necessary to make sure that no other device is currently consuming a large part of the bandwidth. So disconnect everything on the network (consoles, computers, smartphones, etc.)
  • Pause all downloads.
  • Since performance affects connection speed, make sure your computer is at least overloaded before running the test. This also applies to smartphones.
  • Therefore, close all resource-intensive applications and all other open browser tabs.

Measure the speed of a 3G/4G connection on a smartphone or tablet

  • Choose mobile apps over web versions for realistic testing.
  • Connection sharing should be disabled.
  • Open the recent apps menu and close all open instances.
  • Free up your smartphone’s RAM memory.
  • Wifi and 4G chips must comply with the latest standards.

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