Each package purchased with an operator from Orange, SFR, Free Mobile or Bouygues Télécom amount of mobile data or 3G and 4G data. These data are available at no additional cost in France, Europe and some foreign countries. We recommend checking with your carrier about the country included in your subscription before embarking on an adventure.
How to disable data while roaming abroad on your Android smartphone?
to disable the date Your Samsung Galaxy smartphone :
- enter inside Settings
- find in Links
- Later Data usage
- Then just uncheck mobile data.
This maneuver may vary from one Android smartphone to another. if you use Huawei smartphoneYou will need to go:
- Settings
- Later Wireless Networks
- Then uncheck mobile data
like on a smartphone Google Pixel, let’s meet:
- Settings
- later Network and Internet
- Then go to mobile network
- uncheck mobile data
The maneuver therefore remains largely the same. quick Settings. To access it, all you have to do is:
- Swipe from top to bottom to scroll down the drop-down menu
- Look for the relative icon to mobile data (two arrows in opposite directions)
- If the icon is colored, your mobile data is on.
- To disable them, simply press the icon.
- When the icon is gray, data is disabled.