Bing Search has been one of the constant annoyances in both Windows 11 and 10. With Windows 10, Microsoft decided to integrate Bing Search into the File Explorer search bar, making local search a terrible experience with a very slow response. We even posted a tutorial on how to fix slow File Explorer search in Windows 10. The situation is similar with the Start Menu search in Windows 11, as it shows Bing search results alongside local search results. You search to find a program or file and you are presented with “Search the Web” results that take too long to load and unnecessarily interfere with local search. So, if you want to remove Bing Search results from Windows 11 Start Menu, follow the guide below.
Remove Bing Search From Windows 11 Start Menu (2022)
We’ve included tried-and-tested ways to remove Bing Search results from the Windows 11 Start menu in this guide. We have mentioned two methods here, so if the Registry method doesn’t work, you can revert to the Group Policy Editor method. You can expand the table below and switch to the section you want.
Disable Bing Search Results from Windows 11 with Registry Editor
1. First press the Windows key and press “regeditNow open the Registry Editor. Alternatively, you can use the Windows 11 keyboard shortcut “Win + R” to open the run dialog and type “regedit” to access the Registry Editor.
2. Next, copy the following path and Paste into Regedit’s address bar.
3. Now right-click on “Windows” in the life sidebar and create a new “Key“.
4. rename switch Explorer
5. Next, go to the “Explorer” key and right-click on the empty space in the right pane. Here select New -> DWORD (32-bit) value. This DWORD value will help you remove Bing search from Windows 11 Start Menu.
6. rename new entry for DisableSearchBoxSuggestions
7. Now open it and click “value data” with 1
8. Finally, restart your PCand you will see that the Bing search results no longer appear in the Windows 11 Start menu.
Remove Bing Search Results from Windows 11 with Group Policy Editor
If the above method didn’t work for you, you can still disable Bing Search via the Group Policy Editor from the Start menu in Windows 11. Here’s how to do it.
1. Press the Windows key and search for “group policy”. open now”Edit group policy“. If you are using Windows 11 Home, you need to enable Group Policy Editor manually in Home version.
2. Next, open “Management templates” under “.User Configuration” and go to Windows Components -> File Explorer in the left pane.
3. In the right pane, look for the setting that starts with “.Turn off display of last call Entries in File Explorer search box to remove Bing search from windows 11 start menu”.
4. Open it and click “activated” radio button for this setting. Now click “OK” and restart your Windows 11 computer.
5. This time, you won’t find any Bing web search results in the Windows 11 Start Menu.
Disable ‘Search the Web’ Results in the Windows 11 Start Menu
So you can completely remove Bing Search from the Windows 11 Start menu and turn off web search results. Whenever I build a new computer, I always do this to keep Windows 11 fast and responsive. I don’t want Microsoft to interfere with my local search, and this tutorial eliminates Bing search and prioritizes local search in the Windows 11 Start menu. Anyway, that’s it for us. If you want to disable Windows 10/11 updates permanently, follow our linked guide. And if you have any questions, let us know in the comments section below.