Remap Bixby Button Without Root (Guide) 1

Remap Bixby Button Without Root (Guide)

Before I get into this article, let me make one thing clear, I love Bixby. When Bixby was launched and I actually used it, it was immediately clear how useful the new voice assistant was. However, I think keeping a dedicated button to summon it is a bit too much, especially when you can easily call Bixby with voice command. I wish we could remap that button to our liking. We’ve already covered a method that allows users to do this, but this method required root. Well, today we’re going to show you a method by which you can remap the Bixby button without root. Not only that, you can also assign different functions for single press, double press and long press actions. So, if you’re wondering by now, here’s how to remap the Bixby button without root:

Remap Bixby Button to Perform Any Action

note: I tried the following process on our Galaxy S8 running Android 7.1, but the process should be the same for the Note 8 and Galaxy S8 Plus.

We will use the help of a third-party app available on the Play Store to remap the Bixby button. You will also need a handy computer to use to give permissions to said application. With your computer and phone ready, let’s remap the Bixby button:

  1. Download and install bxActions app from Play Store by clicking here.
  2. Open the app and Tap on “Continue”. You can now choose two different modes to remap the Bixby button, the first is “Block mode” and the second is “Control mode”.

When blocking mode is enabled it will first block Bixby and then perform the function (so you’ll see the Bixby icon for a moment before it gets blocked), “Control mode” disables Bixby so it’s no longer visible. Also, you don’t need a PC to activate Block Mode, but you will need it to activate Control Mode. However, while activating Control mode is more difficult, it also brings more features. With Block Mode you can only perform a single action with the Bixby button, while Control mode allows you to perform multiple functions, which we will see later in this tutorial.

Remap Bixby Button: Block Mode

  1. Enabling blocking mode is pretty easy as you don’t need a computer to do it. Just Tap the toggle next to where it says “Block mode” and enable it. Here you have two options (Performance and Comfort), choose one.

Remap Bixby Button - Blocking Mode - Step 12. Next, the app will ask for Accessibility permissions. Click the “OK” button to go directly to the Accessibility settings. Scroll down to find “bxActions” and Enable the Bixby Performance and Bixby Comfort options.

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Remap Bixby Button - Blocking Mode - Step 23. Now, tap the back button to return to the app andap the “Enjoy Now” Button and then tap on “Actions”.

Remap Bixby Button - Blocking Mode - Step 34. Here, Tap “Bixby” then “Standard action”.

Remap Bixby Button - Blocking Mode - Step 45. Now, here you can customize the button as you wantto. Under “Button” you can disable or enable the Bixby button. Then you can either Choose an app or a custom shortcut to launch when you press the Bixby button. I probably can’t explain all the features so go through them and see what you want the Button to do.

Remap Bixby Button - Blocking Mode - Step 5

For reference, I choose to start the camera with it. So when I press the Bixby button, it first opens the Bixby home page, then blocks and opens the camera application. Most of the time it’s so fast that you don’t even notice the Bixby homepage being opened or closed. However, if you want to hack Bixby launching and blocking and jump right into your actions, use the second method described below:

Remap Bixby Button - Blocking Mode - Step 5a

Remap Bixby Button: Control Mode

In control mode, we have the advantage of using the Bixby button. perform multiple functions using single press, double press and long press actions. Not only that, but you can assign different functions to these key presses depending on whether you’re on your lock screen or home screen. So let’s see how we’re going to do that, shall we?

1. First, start the app and disable the Blocking mode Tapping the buttons and turning off the toggle.

Remap Bixby Button - Control Mode - Step 1

2. Now, tap on control mode and then tap on “Please unlock permissions using a PC”.

Remap Bixby Button - Control Mode - Step 23. Now, there are two methods to grant permissions. In this tutorial, we will show you the method that will work the same on both PC and Mac. You will need to install ADB on your computer for the method to work.. Click here to learn all about setting up ADB on a computer. Now, connect the phone to your device using a cable and then launch Terminal (Mac) or Command Prompt (PC). Since I have a Mac, I use Terminal.

4. Now, copy and paste the following command into terminal/command prompt and hit return/enter. We do this to see if everything is okay. If your device is properly connected, you will see an alphanumeric code representing your device followed by the word device as shown in the image below.

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Remap Bixby Button - Control Mode - Step 4

adb devices

5. Now, Copy and paste the following command and press enter/return.

Remap Bixby Button - Control Mode - Step 5

adb shell pm grant com.jamworks.bxactions android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS

6. Copy and paste the following command again and press return/enter.

Remap Bixby Button - Control Mode - Step 6

adb shell pm grant com.jamworks.bxactions android.permission.READ_LOGS

7. Now, disconnect and restart your phone. Restart the app and tap on Buttons and then Control mode. Here, You should see “Permissions granted” text showing that our transaction was successful.

Remap Bixby Button - Control Mode - Step 7

8. Now, Tap the link below to download most APK file for adhell Open and install the app, then follow the onscreen instructions to allow the app. We need to install this to disable Bixby Home.

Remap Bixby Button - Control Mode - Step 8

9. Now tap on “package disabler” on the home page of the app and then Find and disable Bixby Home.

Remap Bixby Button - Control Mode - Step 9

10. Now, Go back to control mode and enable and tap the “Actions” button on the home page of the bxActions app.

Remap Bixby Button - Control Mode - Step 10

11. Here, Tap Bixby. On this page, as you can see, You can remap Single Press, Double Press and Long Press action for Bixby button. However, Double Press and Long Press actions are paid options and you will need to buy the app for $1.99 to use them.

Remap Bixby Button - Control Mode - Step 11

12. For now, we will set Single press action (both Double press and Long press can be set up same after purchasing pro version. Tap the one-press option and then choose from multiple options As we did in step 5 of the blocking mode. To keep everything the same, I again select Camera to launch after pressing the Bixby button.

Remap Bixby Button - Control Mode - Step 12

When you set up the control mode, you will see that any action you map to the Bixby button happens instantly. The method works like the button that comes with the native programmable feature. All right, now we’re done. The process may take a little longer, but it will be worth it once you get it set up.

SEE ALSO: 50 Best Bixby Commands You Should Try

Remap Bixby Button Without Root On Galaxy Note 8 or Galaxy S8/S8 Plus

As I mentioned earlier, Bixby is great. However, don’t just take my word for it, read our Bixby and Google Assistant vs Siri comparison to see for yourself. But the Bixby button is an added accessory, and its remapping gives users more control. Using the methods above, you can remap the Bixby button to perform any action including launching apps, playing shortcuts, media playback controls, and more. So, try it on your phone and let us know how it goes in the comments section below. Also, as the method is a bit more complicated, feel free to leave your questions below if you get stuck anywhere.