Quickly Switch Between Light and Dark Mode in macOS Mojave 1

Quickly Switch Between Light and Dark Mode in macOS Mojave

You can quickly switch between light mode and dark mode in macOS Mojave with a free app. This is much faster and much more convenient than using system settings. You can even turn on macOS Mojave dark mode based on time or by pressing a button.

No need to live with a single mod every morning, install a custom script, or go to settings to get the light mod back.

How to automatically switch between light mode and dark mode in macOS Mojave.

The NightOwl app for your Mac resides in your Menu Bar. Allows quick switching between Light and Dark modes in macOS Mojave.

Also free NightOwl App To set automatic switching from light mode to dark mode and back to light at sunset and sunrise. It’s a really cool feature and it’s amazing that it’s included in the free app.

If you want, you can also set hotkeys to switch between normal mode and macOS Mojave dark mode.

macOS Mojave users should download NightOwl to automatically switch from light mode to Dark Mode. The free app installs in a few minutes and donate to developer if you find it useful.

This works really well with Dynamic Desktop wallpapers in macOS Mojave.

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