OnePlus One tutorials: best tips and tricks on the forum, root, kernels and custom ROMs 1

OnePlus One tutorials: best tips and tricks on the forum, root, kernels and custom ROMs

Announced at the end of April and currently available by invitation only due to limited stocks, OnePlus One is one of the most amazing smartphones released in 2014. That’s why it’s time to bring you the best – the best Tutorials, tips and tricks, root, kernels and Custom ROMs for OnePlus One.

Equipped with components worthy of the best flashships of the year, the One is offered at a ridiculous price of €269 for the 16GB version and €299 for the 64GB version. It is accompanied by the latest Snapdragon processor 801 “AC” from Qualcomm, 3GB of RAM, a beautiful 5.5 inch Full HD 1080p display and a 13 Megapixel photo sensor from Sony. Suffice to say it’s worth it if you manage to get your hands on it.

The best tutorials, tips and tricks for OnePlus One

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what is root?

Before requesting to customize or simply tweak your device, you should go through root box first. Very simple to perform, root unblocks all user permissions for the device, also called admin rights or root rights, hence the term root.

One time your rooted smartphoneYou can customize it, add new features and even install a Custom ROM at any time. Note that the root of OnePlus One is under warranty.

How to easily root your OnePlus One?

What is a core?

The kernel, which is the actual kernel of the device, defines the way the software part runs the hardware part. In other words, replacing the stock kernel with a custom kernel performance and user experience your smartphone by going beyond the limits set by the manufacturer.

How to install franco.kernel kernel

what is recovery

After rooting, there is a tool to secure all the operations and manipulations you may need to do on your device. custom recovery or custom recovery. Accessible with a combination of several keys, you will appeal to it every time you install a mod, new kernel or Custom ROM on your phone.

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Here you can choose between three custom recoveries:

  • How to install TWRP touch recovery custom recovery
  • How to install ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) custom recovery
  • How to install Philz Touch Recovery custom recovery

What is a custom ROM?

The term ROM refers to the software part of your smartphone. This includes the Android operating system, often with a manufacturer overlay. We’re talking about the official (or original) ROM that’s on the phone when it leaves the factory, and Custom ROM when there’s an alternative firmware available from a developer.

At this level, it’s a bit of a special case as it’s working on the OnePlus One. Cyanogen Mod 11S, the official CyanogenMod Custom ROM release. By definition, this gives the user a lot of customization options right from the start. However, it is quite possible to modify it to install a Custom ROM.

As you can see, the list Custom and official ROMs for OnePlus One very comprehensive

  • Full list of custom ROMs for OnePlus One
  • All Custom and Official ROMs for OnePlus One

Tips and Tricks

Here you will find all the unclassifiable tips and tricks to improve the user experience of your OnePlus smartphone:

  • How to refresh your OnePlus One
  • Install OnePlus One Toolkit by Manudroid19 – Unlock bootloader, install root, recovery custom
  • How to unlock/lock bootloader
  • How to take a screenshot
  • Install OnePlus One apps on your Android device running CyanogenMod 11

Find all tutorials on the OnePlus One forum.