How to Enable “OK Google” Voice Search on Android
If nothing happens when you say “Ok Google” on your phone or tablet, you probably haven’t enabled voice commands. Nothing complicated, here’s how to do it:
- Go to the Google app (with the “G” logo)
- In the top left menu, navigate to: Settings > Sound > Detect “Ok Google”
- From this menu, you can choose when to activate the recognition of voice commands when you say “Ok Google” (from the Google app, while driving or from any screen). This is also where you save your voice model.
Google Assistant – French voice commands
explanation : the list we provide here is not exhaustive, but includes the main commands. If you have any other interesting thoughts to share with the community, please let us know in the comments.
Time and weather and general commands
- Check the weather forecast: What will the weather be like? [demain après-midi ?] Where [Fait-il froid aujourd’hui ?]
- Ask the time: what time is it [Tokyo ?]
- Knowing stock prices: What is a stock worth? [Google] ?
- Various questions: how old is he [Elon Musk] ? or what is the size [Beyoncé] ? movie list [saga]who took part [Film]
- A word has a definition: What does it mean? [votre mot]
- Translate words or phrases: How do you say? [l’addition en italien] ?
- Track a package with an order confirmation in Gmail: [Où est mon colis ?]
Calculations and conversations
- Tip calculation: How much is a tip for an invoice? [50 euros] ?
- Solve a math problem: [Quelle est la racine carrée de 695 ?], [nombre] multiplied [nombre]
- Convert units: Convert [50 livres en kilogrammes]
- Alarms, reminders and calendar
- Setting an alarm: [Mets le réveil demain à 7h]
- Set a reminder in Gmail, Keep: Remind me [d’acheter du pain à midi]
- Create an event in Google Calendar: Create the event [rendez-vous médical] with [heure] most [date]
Contacts and Communication
- Call [contact] [numéro] [domicile, mobile, …]
- Send an SMS/Text message to: [contact] to say it [message]
- Email/send email [contact], [objet] (e.g. vacation), [message] (your message)
- Send a WhatsApp (or any other) message [contact] to say it [message]
Programs and Contact information
- address [boutique, musée, …] with [ville, lieu]
- Contact information [boutique, musée, …] with [ville, lieu]
- phone number [boutique, musée, …] with [ville, lieu]
- Schedule: When does it close? [lieu]
- Search for an organization: [cinéma, restaurant, …] [le plus proche, aux alentours]
Routes, navigation and travel
- directions [Ville, adresse, …] or take me [lieu]
- Find an address nearby: [Où est la pharmacie la plus proche ?]
- Visualize a place: its map/plan [lieu]where? [lieu] ?
- Knowing the distance of a place: The distance in between [lieu] and [lieu]how far to go [Lieu]
- Know the traffic: Traffic information [route, ville, lieu]
Aircraft flight status and information
- Flight departure/landing time [AF 4350]
- flight times [AF 4350]
- flight status [AF 4350]
sports and entertainment
- ranking [Ligue 1]
- Results [PSG contre Monaco]
- what’s the next game [LOSC]
- match schedule [Marseille Ligue 1]
check android
- Enable / Disable [GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi]
- Open [Application]
- Listen to music: Start/Listen [Artiste] over [Application]