Ok Google: how to delete voice search history 1

Ok Google: how to delete voice search history

Did you know that Google also records your voice? Every time you say the words “Ok Google” To initiate a voice search, a recording of your voice is sent to Google’s servers and stays there until you do something about it. It is indeed possible to delete all or part of this history. But also to prevent your voice recordings from being stored on Google’s servers in the future.

How to delete Ok Google voice search history?

To clear Ok Google voice search history:

  1. go to section Sound and audio activities from your Google account by clicking this link
  2. You can then delete an item by clicking on it. Detail later ⋮ > Delete
  3. To delete everything, go to: Delete events by: in the upper left corner
  4. ▾ click > All term
  5. click To delete and confirm

It is also possible to completely delete your voice recording from your account history. However, this has the downside of completely disabling Ok Google (Google Assistant) and Google Voice Search. To disable voice dialing:

  1. go to page Event Commands from your Google account by clicking this link
  2. Deactivate Voice and sound activity

To re-enable voice control (and the history that comes with it), simply reverse the steps. If your problem is different and you are having trouble activating Google Assistant on your smartphone, we suggest you follow our tutorial.

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