Midjourney: prices, tips, how to use it on artificial intelligence revolutionizing computer graphics 1

Midjourney: prices, tips, how to use it on artificial intelligence revolutionizing computer graphics

Wondering what Midjourney is, how much it costs and how to use it? In this complete file, we provide an overview of the topic, from prices to registration, including the use of the rendering model.

Article by Steven Flare

Currently, artificial intelligence is a refrain that pops up almost weekly on private sites. It must be said that the courage of some models is truly breathtaking. We recently told you about the OpenAI broad language model (LLM) GPT-4 in a detailed file.

However, it’s time to move on to image creation by focusing. mid trip. Dedicated to the creation of images and visuals, this AI is one of the first to truly impact the world as soon as it is released to the public in 2022. in San Francisco, USA.

Unlike other models, the project initiators chose to present Midjourney as a Discord bot. This can confuse those who do not necessarily know how to use this social network and the commands to interact with such automated accounts.

Do not panic : We explain in detail how everything works and even how to go about writing prompts that lead to more predictable and satisfying results.

How much does Midjourney cost?

Midjourney is a paid service that works with a quota system. Several packages are available:

  • an offer Basic Plan $10 per month: 3.3 hours of fast rendering per month
  • an offer Standard Map $30 per month: 15 hours of fast rendering and unlimited slow rendering per month
  • an offer Institutional $60 per month: 30 hours of fast rendering and unlimited slow rendering per month
  • an offer mega map $120 per month: 60 hours of fast rendering and unlimited slow rendering per month

Note that with quick rendering, the result appears in less than a minute. This gives you an idea of ​​how many images you can create with each plan. It is also possible to purchase more GPU quotas at $4 per additional hour. The most expensive packages allow you to launch more simultaneous image generations and place the rest on a more or less long waiting list.

You should know that all these packages are non-binding and can be canceled at any time. However, it is also possible to make a one-time payment for the entire year for a 20% discount.

mid-trip link

And a free trial offer?

Those who know the service from the very beginning, free trial offer. Unfortunately we have bad news: the free version of Midjourney is no longer available, the tool has quite simply fallen victim to its own success.

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To subscribe, you must follow the instructions detailed in the section below (how to subscribe?), then according to your choice:

  • go Your Midjourney account
  • Medicine /subscriber Once on Midjourney on Discord
  • click Sub-manage in the sidebar after connecting from the Midjourney site

If you don’t want to subscribe to Midjourney, keep in mind that a particularly convincing free alternative has been available for a few weeks via Bing Chat. This is DALL-E. To try this out, get into a chat with Bing’s artificial intelligence (Creative mode) and ask something like this in English: “create a smartphone image that can be quadrupled”.

How to sign up for Midjourney?

To use Midjourney, you must join a group on Discord. Discord is an online communication platform that allows you to create and join communities around different interests. The official Midjourney group has over 16 million members and offers different types of channels to use artificial intelligence, chat with fellow creators, ask questions and get updates.

Here are the steps to sign up for Midjourney:

  1. meeting Midjourney’s website
  2. click the button Join the Betato join the private Discord server

Once you’re on the Discord server, you won’t be able to do much without a subscription. Therefore, you need to get a subscription before continuing:

  1. To go Boots Midjourney in the left sidebar
  2. Type the following in the input field /subscriber Later Entrance
  3. Click on the unique link to access your account then choose your plan and subscribe

Once this step is complete, it’s time to use the service!

How to use Midjourney

just at noon

Midjourney allows images to be created from descriptive text. quick. The prompt can contain keywords, colors, shapes, emotions, or anything else that can help the AI ​​understand your intent. You can enter this prompt in the text entry field of many channels on the Midjourney Discord server.

All you have to do is go to a channel (if you’re new it will definitely be one of the “Beginners” channels), click on the input field and type the command. / designed. From there the cursor will move to an additional input field where you can type your prompt. For example :

  • /imagine “a battle-ready Android smartphone with shark teeth”

From there, after a minute or two 4 minor variations of the image are created. you should stay in chat, because once the image is rendered the notification can quickly disappear into the stream. This notification contains buttons like V1, V2, V3, V4 and U1, U2, U3, U4 (among others). V stands for variation and U for luxury. The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 indicate the image to be affected (1 upper left, 2 upper right, 3 lower left and 4 lower right).

mid-trip quick result

You can write your prompt in a completely natural language. The prompt can also contain visual references, such as a link to an existing image, the name of an artist, or the name of a movie. For example : / Imagine a train in the style of a Piet Mondrian painting. The prompt may also contain special commands that let you modify the AI’s behavior to suit your needs (see “Mastering the art of prompting”).

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Is English required for prompts?

It’s worth noting that Midjourney understands many languages, including French, like ChatGPT. However, you will notice that this artificial intelligence (based on technology similar to ChatGPT-3) is a bit more capricious than models like GPT-4 (ChatGPT / Bing Chat) might have gotten you used to. It should be noted that the model is mainly trained on English explanations – so trying to formulate your prompt in that language is usually a better idea than using French.

Once you like an image, you can enlarge it and download it when it’s done.

What is prohibited in prompts?

Midjourney does not create images of bloody violence or sexually explicit content. These requests are prohibited and may result in a server ban. Midjourney also does not allow the creation of images that violate the copyright or privacy of others. For example, you may not ask Midjourney to reproduce a copyrighted work, create a portrait of a natural person without their consent, or disclose personal or confidential information.

Because the subscription is mandatory, Midjourney allows you to use your images without restrictions. You can cite Midjourney and those who reuse your images should credit you. However, if you are using these images on behalf of a company with a turnover of more than $1 million a year, you must be a member of a Corporate or Mega Plan account to be eligible for these terms.

Some tips for mastering the art of routing on Midjourney

Midjourney always leads to surprising results. But with a little experience and a little knowledge of the switches this AI contains, it’s possible to control the outcome of each request much more precisely.

By default, all images created are frames by default. Add to the end of your prompt to change the ratio -ar then the rate you choose. For example, to output a 16:9 aspect ratio image –ar 16:9.

improve mid trip result

Avoid excessively long prompts of more than 40 words, as the textual model in general tends to be confusing beyond that. In short, in some cases you can add details without connecting them naturally: colors, textures, shapes, emotions…

Feel free to refer to a known artist, for example in your prompt say: /imagine a little girl in Picasso style in front of the hyperloop –ar 16:9. It also works with references to books, video games, and more.

The result is more creative, more photorealistic, etc. Specify in your prompt whether you want it to happen or not. Finally, feel free to seek advice from more experienced users when navigating Midjourney’s more “professional” channels – it’s definitely worth the detour, just for the sake of the eye!