[MAJ] Tutorial: how to install and boot several Android ROMs on your device 1

[MAJ] Tutorial: how to install and boot several Android ROMs on your device

MultiROM is the current best way. enjoy multiple ROMs on your device and choose which one to boot on each boot. Simply put, it is a multiboot manager like you would find on a computer with Windows and Linux installed on the same machine.

This brilliant idea requires some preparation to achieve its goals without wiping your main Android, which, let’s face it, can totally backfire. But MultiROM is also a Swiss army knife that can manage various cool functions. An OS boot from a USB OTG device and many other little things.

MultiROM, what exactly is it?

Originally appeared for Nexus devices, MultiROM offers to start other operating systems installed on the same terminal. So it’s possible protect your daily Android and testing another operating system such as Paranoid Android, Mahdi ROM, MIUI and others under the same conditions as a real installation (with a full reset).

To achieve this result, the program uses: a modified kernel for the main ROM as well as a specially modified version of the basic TWRP recovery. Therefore, to take advantage of it, you must have rooted your device and know what to do to avoid crying. Fortunately, our tutorial will accompany you, provided you have one of the following compatible devices:

  • Port 7 (2012)
  • Port 7 (2013)
  • Nexus4
  • Nexus 5
  • one plus one
  • Sony Xperia Z
  • Motorola Moto G
  • HTC One M7
  • HTC One M8
  • Samsung Galaxy s4 i9505
Multirom and compatible devices


  • Download and install MultiROM Manager from Play Store.
  • You have unlocked the bootloader of your device.
  • You have rooted your device.
  • immortality using encryption functions device
  • Mark”Do not update recovery“In Developer Options.

How to install MultiROM

  • Start the MultiROM Manager installed in the previous step.
  • Allow root rights to application.
  • Select MultiROM v30 (or later), Recovery and Kernel and make sure the latter corresponds to the system installed on your device. If the message below appears in green, you do not need to flash the Kernel.
Multirom and kernel and recovery setup
  • The app will then download everything needed and then reboot the device.
  • What to do during reboot look at the MultiROM screen for a few seconds. Wait and the main operating system starts.
  • You did the hardest part!
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How to install your first ROM with MultiROM

it is necessary Recover ROMs in .zip format, even root and Google Apps if needed. In our example, a MIUI V5 ROM, Google Apps, and Root are already integrated, so all you have to do is get the version that corresponds to your device.

  • also read : MIUI 6, Xiaomi introduced the new Android operating system.

The process is the same for all other ROMs like Paranoid Android, Mahdi Rom, SlimKat are some of the best known…

  • Move your ROM to a folder of your choice.
  • Launch MultiROM Manager, then tap on “…” on the right and reboot in recovery mode.
  • find in Advanced/Multirom/Add Rom/Next.
  • then choose zip of the ROM to install.
  • Optional : If you need to root and install Google Apps, go to List Rom and choose the latest installed ROM.
Mutirom tutorial, how to install and use
  • Optional : then select Flash zip and install root and/or GApps.
  • Then exit the recovery by restarting the System.

How to Boot into a ROM Loaded with MultiROM

  • When your device is turned on, type Cancel.
  • Select the installed ROM that does what you want and be patient during very long boot.
  • To boot into the main operating system, simply wait a few seconds for the device to start without doing anything.
MultiROM with MIUI V5
Multirom with MIUI ROM installed

How to install other ROMs with MultiROM

In our example, we recommend installing the latest of CyanogenMod 12 every night; Android 5.0.2 Lollipop. Since this is a beta version you can download here, it’s a good idea to consider installing it as an alternative ROM. Here is the procedure to enjoy this little pleasure (images from a OnePlus One).

Android Lollipop installation with Multirom and CM 12

  • Restart your device like this: Recovery Mode To get TWRP modified for MultiROM.
  • Go to the following menu (by pressing each word):

Advanced > Multirom > Add rom > Next

  • Next ROM Zip file To upload.
  • Optional : If you want to install Google Apps not included in this ROM, download here. Then install it by going to:

Advanced > Multirom > List rom

  • Optional : select the latest installed ROM and then click “zip flash“. The same method applies when you need to root your newly installed OS.

Note that with CyanogenMod 12 (our example) there is no need to flash Root;enable in developer options. Convenient and effortless! Let’s leave some images of this beautiful ROM which is quite functional (tested and approved) on a daily basis.

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Multirom with Android Lollipop and CyanogenMod

Multirom and setting up a new system


We are coming to the end of this tutorial. note this media partition (Music, Video folders…) is shared between all ROMs. On the other hand, you will have to reinstall your favorite apps, each ROM will remain independent of each other. This method is therefore ideal for gently testing other operating systems while keeping your host system safe, protected from any nasty manipulations.


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