Is File Explorer Search Really Slow in Windows 10? Here's the Fix! 1

Is File Explorer Search Really Slow in Windows 10? Here’s the Fix!

While Microsoft is improving Windows 10 and introducing new features, it’s also disrupting things by integrating unnecessary services that are obviously not essential. For example, the File Explorer Search bar has slowed down enough to be frustrating to use. It’s almost unusable as Microsoft decided to integrate it. bing online results with local search bar. Sometimes, when typing the search keyword, the computer freezes completely, which can be quite annoying. So, if you are facing the same issue and want to fix the slow search bar in File Explorer in Windows 10, follow our guide below.

How to Fix ‘File Explorer Search is Really Slow in Windows 10’ (2021)

1. Firstly, press the Windows key once and “regedit” in the search bar. After that, click “Run as Administrator”.

2. Next, copy the file path below and paste it into the address bar of the Registry Editor. After that, press the ‘Enter’ key and it will take you to the ‘Search’ directory.


Is File Explorer Search Really Slow in Windows 10?  Here's the Fix

3. Right click on the empty space here and New -> D-WORD (32-bit) Value.


4. Rename it now BingSearchEnabled and press enter to save.

remove bing search

5. Next, double-click on it BingSearchEnabled and enter “0” In the ‘Value data’ field. Then click “OK” to disable Bing in File Explorer Search in Windows 10. Remember to select the base ‘Hexadecimal’ in this entry.

Is File Explorer Search Really Slow in Windows 10?  Here's the Fix

6. Similar to the steps above, create and rename another D-WORD (32-bit) Value. CortanaConsent in the same folder.

Is File Explorer Search Really Slow in Windows 10?  Here's the Fix

7. Now double click on it and Value data “0” before pressing the “OK” button.

cortana consent

8. restart the computer and from now on, File Explorer search should work fine in Windows 10 without any lag issues.

Is File Explorer Search Really Slow in Windows 10?  Here's the Fix

Remove File Explorer Search Lag and Bing in Windows 10

This is how you can fix the lag issue in File Explorer Search in Windows 10. As Microsoft is integrating more and more web services into every part of the operating system, it feels like performance is taking a hit. Low and mid-range Windows 10 PCs bear the brunt of these changes. At least you now have a handy guide to fixing Windows 10 search bar performance issues.

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If you think your PC is slowing down over time, I highly recommend checking out our tutorial on how to speed up Windows 10. Apart from that, if you are still experiencing Windows Explorer Search bar lag issue on your computer, let us know. Know in the comment section below and we will try to help you.

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