Importing Your Contacts from iCloud to Google Contacts 1

Importing Your Contacts from iCloud to Google Contacts

All the talk about iPhone 5s and iOS 7 upset you? Maybe you were expecting more from the new iPhone and wish you could switch to Android now? Part of making the switch to Android is having all your contacts available in one piece. It’s easy to move your contacts from iCloud to Google Contacts so they appear on your shiny new Android phone the moment you sign in. Here’s how to do it!

Although these instructions are on a Mac, they should be the same on a Windows PC or Linux.

Access iCloud Contacts

Visit and sign in with your Apple ID.

Transfer Contacts

After logging in, select the option to show your contacts.

Export Contacts

Transfer Contacts

the first person on your list. Then the shift key and the last person on your list. This will select all the contacts in your list. gear in the lower left corner and Export vCard…

Transfer Contacts

When the save window opens, you will remember someone on your computer. We recommend the desktop.

Sign in to Google Contacts

Transfer Contacts

go to Google Contacts and .

Transfer Contacts

More dropdown and Import…

Import Contacts


A dialog box will appear explaining what will happen. Select the Select File box to continue.

Transfer Contacts

the backup file you saved and opened earlier.


Finally, the Import button to start importing Contacts.

Transfer Contacts

After a few seconds, all your contacts will appear in the My Contacts list in Google Contacts. When the next Android phone or tablet is connected to the Google account, all the contacts in this list will be synced to the device.

Fortunately, both Apple and Google support the vCard standard, which makes it incredibly easy for people to switch from one ecosystem to another. Also, doing this yourself can save you money on transfer fees at a local cell phone retailer, as some are known to charge fees.

Good luck and happy transfers!

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