HTC ThunderBolt Still Stuck at 1x? How to Get 4G Back? 1

HTC ThunderBolt Still Stuck at 1x? How to Get 4G Back?

There was a nationwide 4G outage yesterday that left many HTC ThunderBolt owners without both 4G and 3G connectivity. While we still don’t know what caused the widespread failure, Verizon has confirmed to Moyens I/O that its Nationwide 4G LTE network is backed up and working.

A few of our authors have noticed that their ThunderBolt automatically connects to 4G or 3G, but is stuck at 1x until at least one user reboots.

If your HTC ThunderBolt still shows a 1x icon next to your signal bars or shows signal bars without a 3G or 4G icon, you’ll need to restart HTC ThunderBolt to get data back faster. If you manually forced 3G yesterday, you will need to reverse the process we showed you in our first 4G LTE outage coverage.

How to reset HTC ThunderBolt

This is not a hard reset but a soft reset like restarting your computer; so you don’t lose any data.

Hold down the power button.
Press Restart when prompt comes up.

Your phone should reboot. This may take a minute. After rebooting, you should get your 4G and 3G data back.

If this does not resolve your issue, you should call Verizon Wireless for further assistance. Do not try to dial *228 to update your towers as it is not designed for LTE phones and may damage the SIM card ThunderBolt uses. SIM will automatically update towers when you reboot; this is one of the possible reasons why rebooting fixed the ThunderBolts getting stuck at 1x.

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