Keyboard issues seem to have gotten worse on the other side of the aisle after Apple’s Butterfly keyboard debacle. Keyboards on Windows laptops are increasingly failing, even on expensive laptops. And as the epidemic continues, it’s hard for people to go out and get it fixed. So, if you want to fix a broken keyboard in Windows 10, you have come to the right place. With a quick Registry hack, you can fix the keyboard on your computer. On that note, let’s go ahead and figure out how to fix a broken keyboard without hardware replacement.
Working Around a Broken Keyboard in Windows 10
1. To fix a broken keyboard in Windows 10, you need to: Download SharpKeys (Free). It is a free utility that helps you remap broken keys to other working keys. I can say that SharpKeys is one of the most useful Windows 10 apps. Just click the MSI link to download the installer.
2. Now. Install the app and then open it. Here I’m going Fix my Print Screen key broken on my laptop keyboard. Click “Add” to get started.
3. On the left, select key not working. You have to manually go through the list and find the specific key. For example, I chose “PrtSc” here.
4. On the right, you can simply: Click on “Type the Key” and then press the key on the keyboard that you want to remap the broken key. You can also do this manually, but it will take a lot of your time. In my case I pressed the “End” key and SharpKeys detected it correctly. Now, press “OK”.
5. Finally, “Write to Registry” and then restart your computer. Now the corrupted key will be remapped to a new working key and you can perform the custom action of the key without any issues. For example, I can now easily take a screenshot using the Win + End shortcut in Windows 10 (End acts as Print Screen).
6. If you just disable a specific key then manually select the corrupted key on the left side and select “Turn Off Key” on the right. The option is located at the top. After that, click “Write to Registry” and restart the computer. If you want to completely disable a laptop keyboard then follow our linked guide.
7. If you want delete key remapping then select the key combination and click “Delete”. Next, click “Write to Registry” and restart the computer. This will restore the original functionality of the key.
Fix Broken Keyboard on Windows 10 with SharpKeys
So, this is how you can fix a broken keyboard by remapping invalid keys with working keys. That way, you won’t have to spend money to get a fully functional keyboard, especially on a laptop. Anyway, that’s it for us. You can learn more about such Windows 10 tips and tricks by following our linked article. If you run into any issues, comment below and let us know.