Since its launch in 2009, WhatsApp has remained the most popular messaging platform worldwide. The messaging platform, which has more than 2 billion users worldwide, is used by almost 30% of the world’s population. Users love WhatsApp because firstly it is free and secondly it offers many useful features. He recently joined the messaging platform “Dark Mode” club. However, another pretty nifty feature/change has totally gone under the radar and that is “Advanced Search”.
Now, “Wait a minute, WhatsApp already has a calling feature!” You may be wondering. and you are not mistaken. However, with a recent update, the developers have modified the existing feature to make it much more useful. Previously, the search feature only showed search results of chat windows. Now “advanced search” can give you results for almost anything you deal with within the app. The app now shows results for photos, videos, GIFs, documents, links and audio files. Well, let me explain how it works.
How to Use “Advanced Search” on WhatsApp
- Open WhatsApp and pull down to reveal the search bar.
- Now tap the bar to type the search term or phrase you want.
Note: Tapping the search bar opens a drop-down menu to search for a specific category that includes Photos, GIFs, Links, Videos, Documents, and Audio. If you are looking for a specific file type, you can use this menu to search for it.
- Now when you type the words the app will give you instant results from each category where it can get the related items.
For example, if you search for “Coronavirus”, the app will show results from any category, whether it’s a photo or a link, not just chats. If you have sent or received links related to “Coronavirus” within the application, links will also appear in chats alongside the word’s mention.
Now, this feature is a pretty good change for the current search. I think many users will benefit from this change, which we hardly know about. Now, this update for the app is available for both Android and iOS. If you didn’t get the feature, make sure your app is up to date. Just download the latest update and you will get it right away.
So, what do you think about this powerful search tool on WhatsApp? Will you use it? Let us know in the comments.