Whether you like it or not, Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system changes a lot when it comes to touch. A vocal minority and people already familiar with the way touch works in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 will likely blast Microsoft for these changes. The rest of us, people who have never used Windows 8 and never liked the way it touches, are quietly celebrating. Windows 10 has a special Tablet Mode that better balances users’ needs and makes things easier.
Tablet Mode in Windows 10 is for users who own a touchscreen device and want to get the most out of it. Turning on features enables edge gestures for closing apps and multitasking. It is Tablet Mode that determines whether the Windows 10 keyboard opens when you tap a search box. Tablet Mode even controls how you multitask in your apps.
Here’s a breakdown of how to use Tablet Mode in Windows 10 and what it does and doesn’t do. Note that you will need Microsoft’s free Windows 10 upgrade to take advantage of this feature. You can reserve your free Windows 10 upgrade now. Microsoft will begin releasing the operating system in waves on July 29.
Why Use Tablet Mode?
If you have a laptop or desktop, Tablet Mode was created to satisfy you. Rather than pushing touch-centric ideas across the entire Windows ecosystem, Microsoft decided to take a more granular approach. Tablet Mode is turned off by default for any device with a keyboard and no touchscreen.
Tablet Mode is on by default for any device with a touchscreen and no keyboard attached. The idea of Tablet Mode is the same as for Windows 8. By making discreet changes to apps and the way Windows works, Tablet Mode makes everything more user-friendly.
A ton of things change when Tablet Mode is on, but most focus on the Taskbar.
You can easily override some of these changes. For example, you can bring back app shortcuts by tapping and holding the Taskbar. Others do not give you the opportunity to change anything. Tablet Mode is designed to fix major flaws of Windows 8.
Turning Tablet Mode On and Off
There are three different ways to turn on Tablet Mode in Windows 10. Microsoft includes an internal mechanism called Continuum in Windows 10. Continuum intelligently manages Tablet Mode, automatically turning it on or off if there is no keyboard. How this is configured depends on your device. For example, Surface Pro 3 will prompt you before switching. You can manage this setting or even turn the feature off completely from the app in the region. To be very clear, you can also use Tablet Mode with a mouse and keyboard if you want.
Windows 10 includes a central place to quickly change settings and look at Notifications. Microsoft calls it the Action Center and includes a Tablet Mode button for quickly changing the setting. Swipe your touch-enabled PC to turn it on. Tap the Tablet Mode toggle. There’s also a message button for the Action Center on the right side of the Taskbar.
If you enter the application from the Start Screen.
Now tap or click on it.
Now tap or click.
From here you can turn Tablet Mode on or off and adjust your Tablet Mode settings.
Tablet Mode Gestures
Edge gestures were the real demon of Windows 8, the direct predecessor of Windows 10. Microsoft left a lot without on-screen clues. For example, the settings were hidden with a swipe from the left side of your screen. Most people never realized these options were there.
You’ll find that everything you can do with an edge gesture in Windows 10 is an on-screen button. Still edge gestures are included and are very useful.
This is Tablet Mode in Windows 10. It really is a simpler way to do things for touch users and gives users the option to interact with Windows as always. Note that you don’t need to turn on Tablet Mode to get the Start Screen back. Must Be Mobile Here’s how to do that.