How to Use Sticky Notes for Windows 10 1

How to Use Sticky Notes for Windows 10

Everything old can be new again. The stylus is back in epic form with Microsoft’s Windows 10 Anniversary Update. The company finally sees the digital pen as a premium way to interact with tablets and 2-in-1 PCs that can turn into tablets. Suddenly, Sticky Notes, an app that hadn’t seen major updates in years, got a new coat of paint and new options.

Sticky Notes for Windows 10 does the same thing as the older version, but better. With the app you can leave reminders and tips on your device Desktop. Since they’re almost always visible, they’ll keep you on task and on schedule. Microsoft has revamped Sticky Notes as it plans to feature it on Ink Workspace, a dedicated space for sketching, writing, and drawing. Every computer has access to Ink WorkSpace, even if touch is not involved. This also means that anyone can access Sticky Notes for Windows 10.

Finding Sticky Notes for Windows 10

Sticky Notes is pretty easy to find. The first Windows 10 upgrade made it possible for apps downloaded from the Windows Store to work with programs. Look for Sticky Notes in the list of apps installed on your laptop, desktop, tablet, or 2-in-1 running the Windows 10 Anniversary Update. If you don’t see the Sticky Notes app on your Start menu or Start Screen, it’s because the Anniversary Update hasn’t been installed yet. Manually check for pending updates in the app below.

Sticky Notes for Windows 10 (1)

Tablet and 2-in-1 users have a second way to quickly access Sticky Notes. Look for a pencil icon in the lower right corner of your screen. Devices with touchscreens and compatible styluses have the Ink WorkSpace connection automatically placed there. If you right-click on the area, you can manually add the button to your PC.

Sticky Notes for Windows 10 (3)

Using Sticky Notes for Windows 10

When you open Sticky Notes for Windows 10, the first thing you’ll see is a bare note. If you click the Sticky Note with your mouse, you can start writing your note. The + button on the left edge of the note lets you add more. The Trash button on the right deletes a note.

Sticky Notes for Windows 10 (4)

You can change the color of the note by tapping or tapping the three dots on the top edge of the Sticky Note. Presumably, all the new features that Microsoft has added to Stick Notes for Windows 10 will appear here.

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Sticky Notes for Windows 10 (6)

You don’t have to type your messages and reminders on Sticky Notes. The app was designed with inking in mind. You can use a Surface Pen, Lenovo Pen, or stylus to write notes by hand and skip using the keyboard altogether.

If you move your mouse cursor to the edges of the notes, you can resize them to your liking.

If you write or type your notes, you may see some text turn blue. This is because Windows 10 wants to let you quickly create a relevant calendar reminder for later or connect you to more information. Microsoft calls this feature Insights. You can turn it off in the app’s settings.

Sticky Notes for Windows 10 (7)

As long as the Sticky Notes app is open, you will see your notes pasted onto your Desktop. You can get to it by closing or minimizing all your apps and programs. Click on the Sticky Notes app icon in the Taskbar. All your notes will appear above the app or program you are using.

Sticky Notes for Windows 10 Tips and Tricks

Good luck with Sticky Notes for Windows 10. We hope you keep your work organized, tasks on schedule, and your mind clear.

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