How to Use Snapchat World Lenses 1

How to Use Snapchat World Lenses

We’ll show you how to use the new Snapchat World Lenses to elevate your selfies with more than just a filter for your face. Now you can cover a Snapchat filter not only on your face, but also in the world around you.

The new Snapchat update adds support for the new name for these special effects, World Lenses. This comes a year after Snapchat added Snapchat Lenses that go over your face to animate a Selfie.

Even if you don’t want to use Snapchat to send the photo, you can use it to take and save a Snapchat World Lens photo you’ve shared on Facebook or Instagram.

To use Snapchat World Lenses, you need an iPhone or Android phone with the latest official Snapchat update installed. You don’t need to pay extra for any of these new Snapchat World Filters.

How to Use Snapchat World Lenses

This is how Snapchat World Lenses is used on iPhone or Android. To access it, you need to install the November 8 or November 9 update on your phone.

The video above shows you how to use the new Snapchat World Lenses. You can use them for a photo or video. Some contain different effects depending on the camera you’re using, while others look the same in front- or rear-facing modes.

Open Snapchat and then tap the center of the screen. You don’t need to touch a face or an object, just touch the screen.

Tap to open Snapchat World Lenses.

This will make a small Lens selection at the bottom. If you’re using a rear-facing camera, Snapchat World will put its Lenses in the front. If you’re using a front-facing camera, these will be at the end of the list.

Some include a special effect for the world and your face. They are identified by a line in the middle of the Snapchat World Lens.

Select Snapchat World Lens and then interact with it.

Select Snapchat World Lens and then interact with it.

Tap the Snapchat World Lens you want to use and follow the onscreen instructions to tap or look around. When you want to record, hold down or tap the Lens button to take a photo.

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You can then choose to download the photo or share it to your story or to a specific person.

Below you see the Snapchat World Lenses initially available. There are only seven, but we expect this to grow over time.

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