How to Use Snapchat World Lenses with 3D Effects 1

How to Use Snapchat World Lenses with 3D Effects

This is how you can use the new Snapchat World Lenses that add amazing 3D features and options to the world around you. Like the Snapchat lenses that offer incredible selfies, this is an upgraded version that uses the rear-facing camera.

You could use a simplified version of the lenses with the rear camera before, but the effects simply didn’t “know” where in the world they were. In the old version, the effects would stay where they appear when you use the rear camera. You had no control over the size and they moved if you moved them.

How to add 3D effects and cartoons to your Snapchats?

With the new Snapchat World Lenses, you can now control size and placement and even interact in new ways. When people are in the frame, you can interact just like the main Snapchat lenses and add cool 3D effects to your Snaps.

Even if you don’t want to post them on Snapchat, you can save Snaps to your camera roll so you can share them on Facebook or via a text message or iMessage.

How to use Snapchat World Lenses

You can use Snapchat World Lenses on your iPhone or Android device. For this to work, you want to make sure you’re on the new Snapchat update. If you haven’t updated the app, do so before trying anything else.

and .

if you are not already on it.

and you will see one. This looks like the little white lines you see on your face with regular Snapchat lenses.

You will now see small circles representing Earth lenses at the bottom of the screen. .

Using 3D effects is easy with the new Snapchat World Lenses.

Using 3D effects is easy with the new Snapchat World Lenses.

Some lenses work with a person in the frame. In this case, you will see the option to open your mouth, blow a kiss, or raise your eyebrows, just like any other Snapchat lens.

Other Snapchat world lenses allow you to place 3D elements on the world. When that’s the case, you. You can also. . After you place the object, it will stay there until you move it. This makes it easy to move around and find the perfect photo or video.

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When everything is set, the . If you want . You can also double-tap the center screen to quickly jump from the rear camera to the front camera.

After capturing the photo or video, you can swipe left or right to add filters and tap to use other effects. You can even add Snapchat Bitmoji to them.

There are only a few Snapchat World lenses that offer full functionality at this point, and there are plenty of old mediocre lenses that you can use with the rear camera as well. Expect the release of moe in the coming days and weeks, especially with sponsors.

If you encounter Snapchat issues where world lenses not working, you should restart the app or your phone and try again.