How to Use Siri to Control Spotify, Nest, and More 1

How to Use Siri to Control Spotify, Nest, and More

A new tweak for iPhone and iPad called GoogolPlex adds a ton of new functionality and commands to Siri and is possible without the need to jailbreak your iOS device, impossible to get started if your iPhone or iPad is running. latest iOS 7.1 update.

Normally the only way to add a ton of additional functionality to Siri is to jailbreak your iOS device and install a few tweaks (like AssistantEnhancer and AssistantExtensions) that let you do a bunch of cool things you would normally do with the virtual assistant. You can’t do it without jailbreak. However, this is no longer the case as a new tweak has been released that adds a ton of new commands to Siri that it wouldn’t normally understand – all without jailbreak.

It’s called tweak GooglePlexSince Siri is generally only compatible with Apple’s own suite of apps that come pre-installed on every iPhone and iPad, it lets you control a handful of third-party apps and leaves useful apps to dry when it comes to audio. commands. With GoogolPlex, you can send commands to apps like Spotify and control your Nest Thermostat using just your voice. It can even send commands to your Tesla Model S electric car, if available.

Of course, as with any non-jailbreak tweak, GoogolPlex requires you to tweak some settings on your iOS device (rather than just installing an app and having it ready to go), but it’s just a tweak. You need to change the proxy settings of your iPhone’s WiFi connection, but that’s not something novices can’t understand.

Since GoogolPlex sends your commands through its own servers rather than Apple’s servers, commands take a little longer to go through, so the route is a little longer than usual. Also, you should start your commands by saying “GoogolPlex” and then your command might sound a bit strange at first, but it’s something you can get used to.

Here’s how to get GoogolPlex on your iPhone or iPad so you can start enjoying more Siri commands.

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Of course, a major concern with such tweaks is privacy, but Googolplex promises that it only listens for voice commands that begin with “Googolplex”, not everything you enter. However, this still means your iPhone or iPad is susceptible to sniffing, so while it’s fun to play with it for a while, you might not want to leave it on all the time.

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We hope GoogolPlex will release code for this so that more advanced users can put it on their home servers, but it’s not yet clear what the future will look like for this tweak. Most likely, Apple will fix this in iOS 8, but the Cupertino-based company has been slow to fix the vulnerabilities lately.

Siri appears to be faster, possibly hinting at a secret Siri upgrade by Apple.

As for how well the tweak works, some users say they didn’t hear the commands correctly and would search for “plex” on Google. Also, but even when trying a suggested example of “GoogolPlex, play Demons” (to get Spotify to play that song), Siri will then ask “what sport?” she asks. and by offering options for both basketball and soccer, it proves not a perfect setting, so your mileage may vary.

Still, the GoogolPlex takes less than 30 seconds to run, so if you’re a little curious about improving the functionality of Siri, which was pretty mediocre at the beginning, it’s worth at least a look.