How to Use Profiles on Amazon Prime Video 1

How to Use Profiles on Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video is one of the popular video streaming services out there. The service is available in over 200 countries worldwide. While Amazon did let you use a single Prime ID across all your devices, the ability to create multiple profiles was missing. Prime Video’s closest competitor, Netflix, offers a family plan and lets you create a separate profile for each person on the manager’s Netflix account. Amazon does not offer such plans. You cannot add other users’ Email ID and add them to your Prime account. However, you can create profiles for other family members or children on your Prime Video account.

Multiple user profiles are the basic requirement of every streaming service. Netflix added the option back in 2013. Disney+ and HBO Max launched with user profile options. It’s good to see Amazon finally get on the train with a multi-user profile option on Prime video.

The idea is to let everyone get a personal recommendation and watch list based on their viewing habits. Using a single profile among Prime members can crowd things out and spoil the overall experience.

In this post, we will guide you on how to add, manage and delete Amazon Prime profiles on PC/desktop and mobile devices. Lets start.

Add User Profile on Amazon Prime

Prime subscribers can add up to six profiles to their Prime account. At least one of these six profiles (admin profile) must be an adult, while the remaining five profiles can be for adults or children under 12.

There are several ways to add user profiles to Prime video. You can choose the Android or iOS app or use the web portal to create user profiles.

On the table

Follow the steps below to add user profiles to the desktop.

Stage 1: Go to Prime Video on the web and sign in using your Prime Video credentials.

Step 2: Tap the account picture in the upper right corner and the Account Settings menu will open.

Account settings

Stage 3: Select the ‘Add New’ option.

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Add new on prime web

Step 4: Add the username from the screen below and if it is for a child, open the Child’s profile. With a Kids profile, Prime Video only shows TV show movies for ages 12 and under.

New profile added

on mobile

As mentioned above, you can also add and manage new user profiles from Prime Video mobile apps. The process is the same on Android and iOS as both apps are identical in appearance and functionality.

Stage 1: Open the Prime Video app on the mobile phone.

Step 2: Open the ‘My Items’ menu from the bottom bar and tap on your profile name.

my stuff
open menu

Stage 3: It scrolls down the profile menu with the ability to add new ones.

Step 4: Select the ‘New’ button and enter the profile name from the menu below. If this is a child profile, now change the Child mode.

Add new profile
create new profile

While I appreciate that Amazon allows users to add up to six profiles, it would be much better if the company added some customization options. Like Netflix, I hope Amazon has added an option that lets you customize your user profile with your photo or emoji or avatar from popular TV shows and movies.

Editing and Deleting User Profiles

As expected, you can edit these user profiles and even delete them after a certain period of time.

On the table

Stage 1: Go to Prime Video on the web and sign in using your Prime Video credentials.

Step 2: Tap the account picture in the upper right corner, it will scroll down the account settings menu.

Manage profiles home web

Stage 3: Select Admin Profiles, it will open the menu with Edit profile option.

edit profile

Step 4: Tap on the ‘Edit Profile’ button and it will allow you to change the profile name or even remove it. There is no way to change the user profile to child profiles. For this you need to remove the existing profile and create a new profile for children.

Edit or remove profile

on mobile

Follow the steps below to manage User Profiles.

Stage 1: Open the Prime Video app on the mobile phone.

Step 2: Open the ‘My Items’ menu from the bottom bar and tap your profile name at the top.

open menu
Edit profile in prime

Stage 3: It will scroll down the profile menu, select ‘Edit’ from the option.

Step 4: From the menu below you can tap the ‘Edit’ icon and navigate to each user profile. You can rename or delete the profile from the Prime Video account.

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Edit profile menu
Edit Profile

As expected, you cannot remove the administrator account.

Use Profiles on Amazon Prime Video

What are you waiting for? Create up to six user profiles for your friends and family members, share your login information, and ask them to use their account for Prime Video. In this way, you will not receive unnecessary TV series and movie recommendations from the service.

Next: If you’re watching too many TV shows and movies at the same time, the Continue Watching area can get crowded. Read the post below to learn how to clear continue watching on Amazon Prime Video.

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