Apple has finally started shipping the macOS 10.12.4 Developer Beta to people who have registered their machines in the Apple Beta Program. The update brings a number of changes and stability improvements, but one of the most important features macOS Sierra 10.12.4 brings to Macs is the Night Shift feature. Previously only available on iOS devices and Macs using third-party clients like f.lux, Night Shift in macOS Sierra 10.12.4 finally brings the much-needed feature to Apple’s desktop operating system. We tried the Developer Beta for macOS Sierra 10.12.4 on a MacBook Air, and here’s how you can use Night Shift on your Mac.
note: Daily driver You should never install beta software on your MacBook. You should also take a Time Machine backup of your system before updating to a beta software, and take regular Time Machine backups in case of an unforeseen failure while running the beta software. Beta software is inherently prone to bugs and can crash, resulting in data loss. Please update your Mac to the beta version of macOS if and only if you understand the risks involved.
Update Your Mac to macOS Sierra 10.12.
The latest version of macOS Sierra is only available as a developer beta, so as of now, you must have a registered developer account with Apple (costs $99 per year). If you have a developer account, you can follow these steps to get macOS Sierra 10.12.4 Developer Beta running on your Mac:
1. Go to: Apple Beta websiteand sign in with your developer account. Under the Downloads section, “macOS 10.12.4 beta“. Click “downloadnext to the ” button.
2. This will download a small .DMG file to your Mac. simply open this file and run the installer.
3. When you finish the installation, the App Store will start automatically and you will be able to see the following. latest developer beta (macOS Sierra 10.12.4) Available under Updates.
4. Simply Download the updateand it will be installed on your Mac. Your Mac will automatically reboot and be updated to macOS Sierra 10.12.
How to Enable and Use Night Shift on macOS Sierra 10.12.
Now that you’ve updated your Mac to the latest version of macOS Sierra (10.12.4), you can enable Night Shift by following these steps:
1. Go System Preferences -> Displays.
2. Here, switch to the tab named “.Night shift“.
3. Here you can enable Night Shift for your Mac. There are a number of different options you can use. only if you want enable Night Shift for a dayJust tick the checkbox that says “.Open Until Tomorrow“. This will turn on Night Shift and it will automatically turn off the next day.
4. If you want Night Shift turns on automaticallyand off, by sunset and sunrise, you can click the dropdown next to “CalendarSelect ” and “from sunset to sunrise“.
5. Also “Tradition”, in the same dropdown to get the option choose time range The Night Shift you want to enable will be automatically disabled when it goes outside the time range you specify.
6. Now that you have Night Shift enabled on your Mac, “Color temperature” Use the slider to adjust the temperature of your screen when Night Shift is enabled.
note: Night Shift does not apply to external monitors or projectors. Therefore, if you use multiple displays with your Mac, they will not be affected by Night Shift. Only your Mac’s primary display is affected when Night Shift is turned on.
Get Night Shift for Mac running legacy macOS
If you have an older Mac that doesn’t support the latest version of Mac, or don’t have a developer account, you can still use third-party apps to get Night Shift so you can download the developer beta. feature on your Mac. I recommend using f.lux to get Night Shift on your Mac running an older version of your Mac. To start using f.lux, simply follow the steps below:
one. download f.lux. It will download as a .ZIP file that you can extract to access the f.lux application.
2. When you start f.lux, it will ask you for your location. F.lux uses GPS to find your current location, and if it’s accurate enough, you can simply click “.To approve“.
3. After that, “PreferencesWhere you can choose the color temperature for your screen at various times of the day.
4. f.lux automatically saves your profile and dynamically adjusts the temperature Display of your Mac’s screen based on sunset and sunrise times based on your location.
f.lux is by far the best way to get a Night Shift-like feature on a Mac running an older version of macOS. The application is completely free, but if you like the work of the developer, I recommend making a donation to their website to help with the continuous improvement of the application. f.lux is also available for Windows, Android and iOS devices.
SEE ALSO: How to Check Remaining Battery Time in macOS Sierra 10.12.
Use Night Shift on macOS Sierra
Now that Apple has finally included the Night Shift feature in macOS Sierra 10.12.4, you only have to wait for the stable version to be released before you can experience it on your Mac. If you can’t wait, you can download the Developer Beta for macOS Sierra 10.12.4 using the steps outlined in this article, or wait for the Public Beta to come out (it’s in the next few weeks, but don’t quote me on that). If you don’t want to update your Mac to macOS Sierra 10.12.4, you can use a third party app like f.lux to achieve the same functionality.
So what other features do you want Apple to bring to macOS Sierra? How about a full-fledged dark mode? I know I will love this. Let us know what you think about Night Shift, dark mode, and other features you like in the comments section below.