How to Use New Siri Voices in iOS 14.5 on iPhone and iPad 1

How to Use New Siri Voices in iOS 14.5 on iPhone and iPad

With the release of iOS 14 last year, Apple brought some major improvements to Siri. Whether it’s the brand new compact user interface or more natural sound, Apple’s virtual assistant just got a whole lot better. Speaking of which, Apple added two new Siri voices in iOS 14.5 (currently in beta) to give you a little more variety. Not only that, Apple will now also let you choose a Siri voice in setup to eliminate the default bias. So, if you have the latest iOS 14.5 beta installed, here is how to find and use the new Siri voices in iOS 14.5 on iPhone and iPad.

Use New Siri Voices in iOS 14.5 on iPhone and iPad

Apple says that with the addition of two new voices, Siri will have much better sound quality. Interestingly, the virtual assistant is said to have even mastered phrases that Apple’s Neural text-to-speech engine creates with a clearer accent. Note that the newly added Siri voices are currently only available in English.

While it’s unclear when these two new voices will become available for other languages, we expect Apple to introduce support for more languages ​​soon. Now, to use any of the two new Siri voices in iOS 14.5 on your device, follow these steps:

  1. start Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.

2. Now scroll down and Siri and Search.

Tap on Siri & Search

3. Next, make sure English (United States) selected as the preferred language.

Make sure English language is selected

4. Next, tap on Siri Voice.

Tap on Siri Voice

5. Under Sound section, you now have four options to choose from:

  • Voice 1: old male voice
  • Voice 2: new female voice
  • Voice 3: new male voice
  • Voice 4: old woman voice

How to Use New Siri Voices in iOS 14.5 on iPhone and iPad

note: New voice options are available for American English only. They do not work with various other languages ​​including Indian English, British English and more.

6. After selecting the desired Siri voice, iOS will start downloading it. Therefore, you will have to wait until the download is complete. After doing this, exit the settings. You can now start using the new Siri voice on your iOS or iPadOS device.

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Download the new Siri Voice on iOS and iPadOS

7. Now, if you haven’t installed the iOS 14.5 beta update, we’ve added a short video to show you how the new Siri voices sound.

Additional Points to Consider

  • Needless to say, when you select a Siri voice on your iPhone, your paired Apple Watch will automatically use the same voice.
  • You can also use the new Siri voice on your HomePod, provided you have access to the latest HomePod software beta. To do this, go to: home application Tap and hold and on your iPhone/iPad running iOS 14.5/iPadOS 14.5. HomePod icon -> HomePod Settings. Now make sure English language chosen. After that, tap on Siri Voice and then select the preferred Siri voice.

Download and Use New Siri Voice on iOS and iPadOS Devices

While it’s too soon to make a full judgment about the new Siri voice, I found them a little better. While Apple’s virtual assistant still has a long way to go to be on par with Google Assistant and Alexa, no one can deny that it has evolved drastically lately. Apple has a lot more to learn from Google and Amazon to add a few new functions to Siri. We may see some of these updates at the WWDC 2021 conference in June of this year.

How do you rate the latest Siri voices? Feel free to share your views in the comments section below. Also, if you are an Android user and want to change the voice of Google Assistant, just follow the steps in the linked article.

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