The iOS 9.1 update adds 150 new emojis to your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. This guide will show you how to use the new iOS 9.1 emojis.
This summer, users got the option to use a variety of new emojis with skin tone or skin tone changes, and now with iOS 9.1 there are new emojis for iPhone and iPad.
This guide will show you what you need to know about the new emojis on iPhone and iPad and how to use the emoji keyboard on your iPhone with iOS 9.1. If you don’t see the new emoji, you need to install iOS 9.1.
Apple isn’t responsible for creating new emojis, but the company needs to add support for them in software updates like iOS 9.1.
Learn how to use the new iOS 9.1 emoji options.
If you try to send the new emojis in iOS 9.1 to an Android user or an iPhone user who has not upgraded, they will not see the new emoji, just a box or a single symbol.
Here’s a closer look at the new emojis in iOS 9.1 available in the iPhone emoji keyboard and how to use the new emoji options.
How to Use New Emojis in iOS 9.1
There is an iPhone emoji keyboard turned on by default. This is not new with iOS 9.1, but this is how you will access the new iOS 9.1 emojis.
After installing the iOS 9.1 update, you will see the new emojis mixed with the old emoji options on your keyboard. If you don’t see the iPhone emoji keyboard, you may need to turn it back on.
How to use new emoji in iOS 9.1?
. Now . Some users may not see the smiley next to the spacebar. If you’re using multiple languages, you may see a globe.
If you can’t access the iPhone emoji keyboard at all, you need to turn it back on. Tap on it.
Set options for new emojis in iOS 9.1.
Tap any of the new emojis you see. You can swipe left and right to see more emojis. With 150 new iOS 9.1 emoji options, there’s plenty to choose from.
The first time you tap an emoji, it may ask you to choose a skin color or color. It will remember that color for that emoji, but you cannot set it globally. You can long press the emoji and slide it to the other color to change the color in the next use.
You could already use the Spock emoji in iOS 9, but Apple is now adding the lively long and successful emoji to the default keyboard so you can choose other colors for the Spock emoji.
Here are some of the new emojis in iOS 9.1.
You don’t need to install a third-party keyboard to use the new emojis on your iPhone or iPad. These are built into Apple’s support for new unicode standards, which the company that manages the global emoji set has changed over the year.
In addition to the new emoji, you can see what’s new in iOS 9.1 in the slides below.