How to Use Math Solver in Microsoft Edge 1

How to Use Math Solver in Microsoft Edge

Microsoft seems committed to helping students with their math homework. After releasing dedicated math solver apps on Android and iOS last year, the Redmond giant is bringing math solving capabilities to its Edge browser. In this article, you’ll learn how to use Edge’s Math solver feature to solve problems with ease.

Use Math Solver in Microsoft Edge (2021)

The Math Solver feature is enabled by default on the Edge Beta, Dev, and Canary channels. However, it is hidden behind a feature flag in Edge’s stable build. As a result, you need to enable the feature from Edge flags before you can use it.

How to Enable Math Solver in Edge

Visit edge://flags and Search for ‘Math Solver in Microsoft Edge’. Enable the flag and restart the browser. Alternatively, you can paste the address below into Edge’s address bar.


How to Use Edge Math Solver

1. Once enabled, you can access the feature from the horizontal three-dot menu at the top right. Click on it, go to More tools and select Math Solver from the list of options that appear. would be all the way Menu -> More Tools -> Math Solver.

math solver edge

2. Open a math problem – ideally basic, pre-algebraic, algebra, word problems on math concepts, trigonometry, number theory, probability, volume, surface area, math or statistics problems. Then highlight the question using the Math Solver selection tool in Microsoft Edge. Once selected, click the Solve button to get the answer.

select or type math problem

3. Within seconds, you will see the solution with its graphic display in the right sidebar.

view solutions

4. You can also check the steps by clicking the icon. ‘Show solution steps’ button. You can review the suggested videos below the solution to learn more about the topic.

view detailed solution

5. Also, you cannot select only math problems from a web page or document. Moreover use extended keyboard to type problem statement In the Math Solver section in Microsoft Edge.

math solver keyboard - microsoft edge

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If you’re wondering, the website I used in the introduction above is Khan Academy. For those who don’t know, Khan Academy is a nonprofit that offers free educational resources. If you’re a student, you shouldn’t miss out on Khan Academy’s free resources.

Use Math Solver Carefully in Microsoft Edge

So, that’s all you need to know to get started with Edge’s upcoming math solver. While this may not be helpful for everyone, students will appreciate this convenience. However, Microsoft will need to integrate a feature that allows administrators or teachers to disable this feature for distance learning students. In the meantime, be sure to check out our article on best practices for students and apps to increase productivity and focus on your work.