Ever since Dark Mode became available in iOS 13, it has become (sort of) my default option for a number of reasons. The black theme not only provides an eye-catching interface, but also extends battery life. However, I was jotting down my thoughts on the note-taking app the other day. The background of the note was pitch black because I had dark mode enabled on my iPhone and I didn’t like it. That’s when I wanted to use the light background in the Notes app for a relatively clean look without having to disable the system-wide dark mode on the iPhone or iPad. Luckily, I found a simple hack to get around this. Interested? Let me show you how it works correctly!
Set Light Background in Apple Notes without Turning Dark Mode off in iOS 13 and iPadOS 13
First of all, the Apple Notes app itself offers a quick way to set a light background for a note without having to turn off the dark theme. So, of course, going through a roundabout or installing a third-party tool is out of the question. The only condition is that your iPhone or iPad is running iOS 13 or iPadOS 13 respectively.
1. Assuming dark mode is already enabled on your iPhone or iPad, notes application.
2. Now, what about create a new note or select an existing note. I will select an existing note.
3. Next, tap on it. To share button in the upper right corner.
4. Next, scroll down a bit and “Use Light Background” on the share page. Request! The change would take effect instantly (see screenshot below). Now go ahead and do your business as usual.
Switch Between Light and Dark Backgrounds in Apple Notes on iOS and iPadOS
That’s not wise, is it? You can follow the same steps outlined above to switch between light and dark backgrounds in the Notes app (remember that dark mode must be turned on on your device). Let’s say you previously selected a light theme for a particular theme and now you want to revert to a pitch dark one. All you need is to tap the share button and Use Dark Background option on the share page.
The Easy Way to Choose Light and Dark Themes in Apple Notes
This is how you can switch between light and dark themes in Apple Notes. For those who use the stock note-taking app, this can be quite a useful feature. Apple has greatly improved the Notes app by introducing a few useful features like a native document browser and folder sharing. As such, I think it can do more than just take on third-party note-taking apps like Evernote and Microsoft’s OneNote. What will you say about it? Let us know in the comments.