How to Use iOS 9 Hotspot 1

How to Use iOS 9 Hotspot

We’ll show you how to use iOS 9 Hotspot and a useful new iOS 9 hotspot feature that allows you to quickly connect your iPad to iPhone and see important information like remaining signal strength and battery life on your iPhone.

The new iOS 9 hotspot features are all the same on iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and older iPhones. You’ll see similar options on an iPad with LTE connectivity.

To use the new iOS 9 hotspot features, you must upgrade your Mac to OS X Yosemite or OS X El Capitan. These iPhone hotspot instructions work on iOS 9, iOS 9.1, iOS 9.2, and iOS 8.

On your Mac, the same signal and battery life information appears in the WiFi area, which is a great way to see those important details if the iPhone is still in your pocket or backpack.

Learn how to use an iOS 8 hotspot and what’s new in iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite.

Most plans support using an iPhone or iPad as a hotspot at no additional cost. You can try turning on iOS 9 hotspot to see if it’s included in your plan. If not, you will see a number to call to pick up. Make sure you know how much data your plan allows. Using the iPhone as an access point to connect portable gaming systems, iPads and laptops can use data faster than regular phone use.

The hotspot feature is not contractually bound, so you can add and remove it at any time. If you’re on shared data, it normally includes access to iOS 9 hotspot feature.

How to Use iOS 9 Hotspot

Here’s a look at what’s new in iOS 9 hotspot and how you can use this awesome feature. Many of the iOS 9 hotspot features are the same as in iOS 8, so you’ll already be familiar with how to use them.

Open iOS 9 Hotspot.

Open iOS 9 Hotspot.

If you’ve never used the iOS 8 hotspot, you’ll need to turn it on before it appears on the main settings screen. To do this, go to Once you’ve done that, iOS 9 adds a shortcut to the main settings menu for quicker access to iPhone hotspot settings and turning the feature on or off.

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All you have to do is turn on the iOS 9 hotspot and then enter the passcode on the device you want to connect to and the devices will connect so you can start using it to get online.

Changing iPhone hotspot password is a very good idea.

Changing iPhone hotspot password is a very good idea.

The best thing to do is to set up your iPhone hotspot with a passcode that is hard to guess but easy to remember. To change this, go to If you are already connected, you will need to enter the new password.

To see how much data you have used in an iOS 9 hotspot, you can go to

How to Change iOS 9 Hotspot Name

If you want to change the name of the iOS \9 hotspot, you need to change the name of your iPhone. go. This changes the name your iPhone uses for syncing and what appears on some Bluetooth connections.

Change iOS 8 hotspot name.

Change iOS 8 hotspot name.

That’s all you need to do to use iOS 9 hotspot to get your other devices online. The new feature in iOS 8 and iOS 9 is the ability to see the phone’s signal strength and battery life under the WiFi menu on another iOS 9 device or a Mac running OS X Yosemite or OS X El Capitan.

iPhone Hotspot Battery Life and Signal

On iOS 8 and iOS 9 devices and a Mac with OS X Yosemite or OS X El Capitan, you'll see the signal strength and battery life of the device you're using as an iPhone hotspot.

On iOS 8 and iOS 9 devices and a Mac with OS X Yosemite or OS X El Capitan, you’ll see the signal strength and battery life of the device you’re using as an iPhone hotspot.

The screenshot above shows what this looks like on an iPad. You’ll see it on other devices, and you’ll see it on your Mac when the OS X Yosemite update arrives next month.