How to Use iOS 14 Voice Recognition to Identify Voices 1

How to Use iOS 14 Voice Recognition to Identify Voices

iOS 14 brings loads of new features. Frankly, I was unprepared for this release as I thought this year would be a mild one for Apple. I was expecting WWDC 2020 to be a smaller event seeing how the Coronavirus has forced us to work from home. But Apple surprised us with a ton of new iOS 14 feature announcements. And as always, there are many more hidden iOS 14 features than Apple mentioned in its keynote.

One feature that has captured my fantasies is the ability to identify sounds. It’s a new accessibility feature that recognizes certain sounds and sends you a notification. This is super useful for hearing impaired users. And even people with good hearing can use this to their advantage. In this post, I will show you how you can use iOS 14 Voice Recognition to identify voices on your iPhone.

Use iOS 14 Voice Recognition to Identify Voices

We will first see how you can enable the new Voice Recognition in iOS 14, and then we will discuss a little about its use:

1. To enable Voice Recognition, launch Settings and go to Accessibility.

2. Here, scroll down to find “Voice Recognition” and tap on it. Enable the toggle next to “Voice Recognition”.

Use iOS 14 Voice Recognition to Identify Voices 2

3. A new “Sounds” option will be displayed. Tap and then Enable transitions for any sounds you want your iPhone to recognize.

Use iOS 14 Voice Recognition to Identify Voices 3

4. As you can see in the screenshot, the sounds are properly classified and there are many sounds available. When your iPhone identifies a sound, You will receive a notification on your iPhone as shown below.

Use iOS 14 Voice Recognition to Identify Voices 4

Using Voice Recognition

Voice Recognition is incredibly useful for deaf iPhone users. You can tell them about fire alarms or a crying baby and they know exactly what it is. In extreme cases, it can even save their lives. I think this single feature will be as helpful for hearing impaired users as Apple Watch’s fall detection feature is for seniors.

This feature can be useful for normal users as well. Let’s say you always work by listening to music. When this feature is turned on, you’ll get a notification when a fire alarm goes off, someone shouts or your baby cries. It even recognizes doorbells and knocks. You will never miss it when someone is at the door.

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Even if we don’t find it useful on a daily basis, it will be enough to relax us when listening to loud music or using noise canceling headphones while working. We can be sure that we will not miss any important sounds.

Enable Voice Recognition to Receive Instant Notifications

I tested this feature with a few sounds playing on YouTube and it recognized them all. Of course, long-term real-life testing is necessary to see how well it performs in real-life conditions. But if my tests show any signs, it could be a useful tool for all of us, not just deaf users.

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