How to Use Hot Corners on Mac 1

How to Use Hot Corners on Mac

While there are many ways to launch apps, Apple macOS offers a unique way to open some using Hot Corners. As the name suggests, moving your mouse pointer to the corners will launch a specific application. It is useful if configured correctly. Read on to learn more about the Hot Corners feature in macOS.

Once you set up this feature, you will discover that accessing everything you need becomes much more manageable. For example, you can set screensavers and access apps and more just by moving the trackpad.

We show you how to use Hot Corners on your Mac. To get started, we’ll show you how to enable and configure them and how you can disable them if necessary.

How to Enable Hot Corners

If you want to enable Hot Corners, the process for doing so is relatively simple. All you have to do is follow the steps below.

Stage 1: Click the Apple logo in the upper left corner of your computer.

Mac access apple logo

Step 2: Go to System Preferences from the drop-down menu.

Mac system preferences dropdown

Stage 3: Once in System Preferences, go to Desktop & Screen Saver > Screen Saver.

system preferences desktop screensaver

Step 4: In the lower right corner of the window, click on the option called Hot Corners.

Mac access hot corners

Step 5: In the Hot Corners menu, your computer will present you with four options. At each corner, you will have the opportunity to choose from a drop-down abilities menu. Press the blue two arrow buttons and choose the ones that best suit your needs.

add mac hot corner

Step 6: When you are satisfied with everything, click OK. Then you can close the System Preferences applet.

After activating your Hot Corners, all you have to do is move the cursor to the corner you need.

Another way to access Hot Corners on your Mac is to click Mission Control while in System Preferences. From here, select Hot Corners at the bottom left. After doing both, you can start adding commands as above.

How to Configure Hot Corners

Knowing what your options are is essential when learning how to use Mac Hot Corners. You can choose from nine different functions, including:

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  • Going to Notification Center.
  • Opening your application windows.
  • We’re going to Mission Control.

After choosing a Hot Corner function, don’t worry – you don’t have to stick with it forever if you don’t want to. And it takes very little effort to configure everything.

All you have to do is follow these steps to configure your Mac’s Hot Corners.

Stage 1: Before doing Desktop & Screen Saver > Screen Saver again, go back to the System Preferences applet.

Step 2: Go to the Hot Corners section.

Stage 3: From the dropdown, change the function of the corner you want to do this.

change mac hot corners

Step 4: Repeat the above steps for all the vertices you want to change.

Step 5: Click the blue OK button and exit System Preferences.

It is also worth noting that if you do not want all four corners to have a different function, you can leave some of them blank.

How to Disable Hot Corners

While Hot Corners are extremely helpful, you may find that at some point they become a bit of a nuisance for you. If that’s the case, fear not because disabling them is as simple as installing them.

To turn them off, all you have to do is go through the steps outlined below.

Stage 1: Go to System Preferences. Return to the Screensavers menu by following the steps we listed in the previous two sections.

Step 2: Click on them in each of the corners where something is selected.

Mac dropdown new options

Stage 3: You will see a “-” symbol at the bottom of the list of options. Click this.

Step 4: After repeating the process for each corner, click OK and close System Preferences.

Mac hot corners changes

Use Hot Corners Wisely on Mac

So, here you are. Now you know how to use Hot Corners on your Mac. We’ve looked at ways you can enable them, as well as customize them according to your personal preferences. You also know how to disable Hot Corners if needed.

Using this feature helps you access the apps you need more easily and also allows you to activate your screen saver without having to wait for a while. Now you know how to use Hot Corners on Mac, why not give it a try?