How to Use Google Maps with Your Voice on iPhone 1

How to Use Google Maps with Your Voice on iPhone

One of the biggest features iOS users will want to come to Google Maps is the ability to use Siri to get voice directions. The good news is that this talent has arrived… sort of.

Google has been updated Google Maps for iPhone to include the ability to get directions using your voice. The app’s top search bar now has a microphone icon that you can tap on to open the Google Assistant voice search interface.

It’s not as easy and quick to use as Siri, but it’s an added feature that will definitely get a lot of use if you prefer Google Maps on iPhone over stock Apple Maps.

iPhone lets you activate Siri anywhere and get directions without having to open the Maps app first, making it a faster and easier option overall, but if you prefer to use Google Maps, the new voice feature is great. is an addition.

Here’s how to use Google Maps with your voice on your iPhone.

Using Google Maps Voice Search on iPhone

The Google Maps app is easy to use at first, and the added voice search feature will be familiar to anyone using Google voice search on their device. The voice search functionality uses the same Google Assistant interface available on both Android devices and the Google iOS app.

Simply tap the microphone icon above the search bar to use the voice feature in Google Maps to get instant directions without typing anything. Next, you’ll give Google Maps permission to use your iPhone’s microphone by tapping it to allow.

From there, just say it and then wherever you want to go. For example, if I wanted to go to Starbucks, I would say. But you’ll have to be careful here because Google Maps may direct you to a random Starbucks that isn’t the closest. Instead, you should say something like to be directed to the nearest Starbucks to you.


After you say where you want to go, Google Maps automatically opens directions and you can start turn-by-turn navigation from there.

Voice features in Maps apps are something that helps a lot more than other apps that come with voice search functionality as you don’t have to type an annoyingly long address using the small onscreen keyboard. Instead, all you can do is say the address and hit the road.

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I mostly use Siri just to get directions to a place without having to type it all in, but I usually prefer to use Google Maps because of the more extensive map data. However, now that Google Maps has voice capabilities, I may not be able to use Apple Maps anymore.

Of course, both Apple Maps and Google Maps still have their flaws, but I find Google Maps less than flawed. Now that I can get directions using just my voice, Google Maps may use my iPhone more in the future.