There is no Google Drive iPad app offered by Google, and the mobile version of Google Drive service fails more often because it cannot be installed on the iPad.
While you wait for an official Google Drive iPad app, there are several ways to use Google Drive on iPad.
GoodReader for iPad It’s a $5 app that connects to web storage services on the iPad, including Google Drive. The app doesn’t offer a Google Drive option on installation, but connects to Google Docs, which is now Google Drive.
GoodReader allows users to download and use a wide variety of file types, from music and movies to photos, documents and spreadsheets. GoodReader can even open compressed files on iPad. This app also allows users to annotate PDF files.
Productivity-minded users will love that GoodReader lets them open files from Google Drive in iPad apps like Pages, Numbers, iBooks, SignMyPad and more.
How to Use Google Drive on iPad
Buy and download GoodReader, then open the app and tap on it.
Tap on it.
. enter fully. (This account must have Google Drive enabled)
The new Google Drive link will now appear below on iPad.
Tap on it to access.
It is now possible to download and use most files in Google Drive on iPad. Some will preview and open in GoodReader, while others will open in existing iPad apps.
I was able to download and use PDF files, video files, documents and spreadsheets in the ad without any problems.
While you wait for the official Google Drive iPad app, GoodReader is the best way to use Google Drive on iPad.