Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ offer a lot of exciting features for users. Like Iris Eye scanner, Infinity Display and more. One that many don’t know is called a blue light filter. This is essentially like a night mode or iPhone’s Night Shift. We’ll go over more details below and how to use the Galaxy S8 blue light filter.
Essentially, the blue light emanating from the screen can cause eye strain, especially at night. Not to mention that studies have shown it to stimulate the brain. As a result, it is more difficult to fall asleep at night. This is where Samsung night mode comes into play.
As the Galaxy S8 runs the latest Android 7.0 Nougat right out of the box, this feature is instantly available to owners. It is customizable, can be opened with a program and is very useful. Without further delay, here’s how to use it.
Night modes have been around for a long time on certain devices. Recently Apple added to iOS for iPhone and in 2016 Samsung did the same with the Galaxy Note 7. If you haven’t tried it yet, this is one of the many features we highly recommend.
Basically, owners can set a schedule for the Blue Light Filter and you’re all set. It will automatically turn on and off for you every day. Lets start.
How to Use Galaxy S8 Blue Light filter
By now, most Galaxy S8s have probably looked at the settings menu to become familiar with the device. If not, we recommend changing these 10 settings first. Then customize and set your night mode schedule.
The moment the filter switch is activated, users will instantly see a huge difference. The blue light is completely removed from the Infinity screen and you will see an amber or reddish tint on the screen. Adjusting the slider will add more or less than the filter for users’ specific needs or preferences.
All blue lights will be filtered out until this is turned off. There is also an easy access quick setting for the filter in the notification popup bar.
Set up a Blue Light Filter Program
The best route is to set a schedule. This way everything will happen automatically. It opens at night and reduces eye strain. Then in the morning it returns to normal. Set it to your sleep schedule and forget it. Here’s how.
That is all. Now it will automatically filter out all blue night every night. It helps to relieve eye strain and make it easier to fall asleep at night. According to the research. Whether or not the owners use this feature is up to them. Personally, I’ve enjoyed the Galaxy S7 Edge ever since getting Nougat and have continued to use it to this day.
It’s also possible that this helps slightly improve battery life. Because the device does not display a lot of colors or bright. Although the effect is small. While you’re here, learn how to customize the screen buttons at the bottom of your device or make all apps use the full screen. Head over to our device portal for more details and how-tos for the Galaxy S8.