Do Not Disturb in iOS 7 is an excellent way to silence calls, texts, notifications and alerts from every app and contact without using airplane mode or blocking a specific contact.
Apple introduced Do Not Disturb in a previous version of iOS, but added a new feature to iOS 7, and Do Not Disturb in iOS 7 remains one of the most useful additions Apple has made in recent times.
iOS 7 also lets you block calls, texts, and FaceTime messages, but it’s a global option that’s better suited for uninterrupted sleep, enjoying a movie, or spending time with friends without annoying alerts. Unlike airplane mode, you can still use iPhone to browse the web and check apps for updates, but you won’t get alerts when the phone is locked.
Here’s how to use Do Not Disturb in iOS 7, including the new silence option, a step towards a better Do Not Disturb experience. We’ll cover turning on Do Not Disturb, setting favorites to search smoothly, scheduling Do Not Disturb, and other tips for using it better.
Apple is working on an iOS 7.1 update that shouldn’t change the way this works. We’ll update this guide if iOS 7.1 adds new features to Do Not Disturb.
How to Use Do Not Disturb in iOS 7
To use Do Not Disturb on iOS 7, its users need to tap its icon, which is normally found on the main home screen of the iPhone or iPad.
On this screen, the Do Not Disturb option is located in the middle of the screen with a small moon logo on the left. .
Select Do Not Disturb in Settings to get started.
The first decision to make is whether to turn on Do Not Disturb or whether turning on Do Not Disturb manually is useful for meetings and meetings that don’t happen every day, remember to turn it off when you need it. get alert again. Do Not Disturb timing in iOS 7 is a good way to avoid the sounds, lights, and vibrations that wake you up during the night.
Turn On Do Not Disturb Manually or Schedule To Specific Times.
Tap on Scheduled to set a start and end time. There’s no way to set a different Do Not Disturb schedule for weekdays and weekends, so if you set Do Not Disturb mode to start very early, you may miss calls when you’re out late on the weekend. Just make sure to close the program or add it to your favourites.
Once these steps are complete, the basics of Do Not Disturb in iOS 7 are complete, but there are other settings to change.
Choose which contacts can be reached via Do Not Disturb in iOS 7.
By default, Do Not Disturb allows incoming calls from Favorites without making a second call. You will also receive emergency calls from anyone as long as they make a second call within three minutes. This will save you from waking up in the middle of the night for a butt call, but let the kids, friends, and family through in an emergency. just make sure
Add a contact to Favorites to let them go through Do Not Disturb mode.
To add one to Favorites, scroll to the bottom and tap . Users can also allow calls from contact groups. By choosing a personal email contact group to reach, not a work email, family can call, but customers and colleagues cannot reach them on the first call.
New in iOS 7 is the ability to choose when to play sounds.
The last option to change is the . If you want to receive sound alerts when the iPhone or iPad is unlocked, you can do so by selecting . If you don’t want sound alerts, select . In both modes, you will still see notifications when the screen is unlocked, but there will be no noise associated with the notification.
No matter what options you choose, there are some actions that will continue to make sounds when Do Not Disturb is on. Some are good, some are frustrating.
Alarms continue to sound when Do Not Disturb is on, so you don’t have to worry about sleeping through the alarm when Do Not Disturb is on.
Siri voice will still play loud and clear; This means that if you accidentally press and hold the home button while using the iPhone in Do Not Disturb mode next to someone in bed, you can wake them up.
When Do Not Disturb is On, a charging sound or vibration will also be heard. If you mute the phone on the side, you will hear a vibration, if it is not on silent, a charging sound will be heard.
How to Quickly Unlock Do Not Disturb
Apple no longer lets users turn on Do Not Disturb from the main settings screen on iPhone or iPad, but with Control Center, it’s incredibly easy to turn Do Not Disturb on and off in iOS 7.
From any screen, swipe up from the bottom of the phone to access Control Center. Tap the moon logo to turn it on or off. A white moon means it’s on, along with a moon icon in the status bar, and a dark moon means it’s off.
Quickly turn on Do Not Disturb in iOS 7 with Control Center.
The image above shows the options in the Control Center in iOS 7, where you’ll find other features and shortcuts.