How to unlock your smartphone screen without touching it? 1

How to unlock your smartphone screen without touching it?

Some high-end smartphones offer the ability to unlock with a simple flick of the screen. This was a selling point of the Samsung Galaxy a few years ago because at that time it was possible to unlock its screen even with busy hands.

  • Also read: Automate screen lock when at home

So it can come in handy in some situations, even if it’s not the most useful function on a smartphone. However, this function is Can be used on any smartphone with a proximity sensor.

Knowing that most of today’s phones have this sensor on the front, it’s unlikely that yours won’t be able to take advantage of this little trick.

The best thing about this story is that you don’t need to have a rooted phone because this is possible thanks to a simple application. The only drawback is that it can slightly reduce the autonomy of the smartphone.

Therefore, to unlock your smartphone with a simple gesture, first Download the Wake On Gesture app It is available on the Play Store by clicking the image below.

google play wake up

Once complete, you need to start the app and then make sure the box next to “Enabled” is checked. Now you can choose to display an alert in notification center To know when Wake On Gesture is on.

wake up in gesture training

Thanks to this last option, you will no longer have to go back to the app to enable or disable unlocking with a simple gesture. If your smartphone is rooted, the app will allow you to react the way you configured your lock button.

then just choose the mode you want. Three available, in order of display in the app:

  • Mobile – Allows you to turn on your screen as soon as you remove your phone from your page.
  • Multi-Wave – This is the mode that allows you to light up your smartphone screen with a simple gesture. You can choose the number of moves to perform before this happens and the maximum delay between each move.
  • Flip Cover – Thanks to this mod, your phone will lock as soon as an object hides the proximity sensor and will unlock when there is no longer any item in front of the smartphone.
wake up with gesture

Now you’re ready to unlock your smartphone’s screen without touching it. If you get stuck on the lock screen, don’t hesitate to read our tutorial that will let you unlock it easily.

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