How to Type Faster on Your iPhone 6 1

How to Type Faster on Your iPhone 6

Typing on a tiny virtual keyboard isn’t actually the fastest or easiest way to type, but here’s how you can get the most out of it and type faster on iPhone 6.

Ideally, having a full-size physical keyboard is the best setting for typing, but if you’re on the go and only have your iPhone 6 for typing an email or text message, you’ll have to work with what you’re doing. given. However, there are ways to improve this experience using a few tricks and tweaking some settings. And if all that doesn’t work, there are always third-party keyboards you can try.

Typing on the iPhone’s virtual keyboard wasn’t particularly difficult when a 4-inch screen or even a 3.5-inch screen was the norm, but those with larger hands had some difficulties. The increase in screen size with the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus has helped make a difference, and there are other tricks you can use to make typing on your iPhone 6 easier and faster.

Maximize Keyboard

iOS 8 on the iPhone 6 keeps everything the same size as previous iPhones with smaller screens, even if the iPhone 6 has a larger screen. This means users can fit more apps to the home screen and more text to fit in a window.

However, if you want to take advantage of the larger screen on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus and enlarge the keyboard, Apple includes a useful feature that makes everything on your iPhone 6’s screen larger, allowing you to read and read text more easily. Look at smaller images better and type faster.

The option for this is actually part of the setup process, but if you accidentally chose one option over the other, you can still go back and change it in the settings. To do this you need to open the app and then tap on it. Then tap the icon at the bottom. From there you have two options: or .

it’s essentially the default view and gives you the same size icon and text as on the previous iPhone. But the new option also lets you make everything bigger, including app icons, text, and keyboard. However, you’ll be able to fit the same number of apps on the home screen as in Standard view, but you won’t be able to fit as many paragraphs on the screen using the Zoom option.

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Leverage QuickType

QuickType was one of the biggest features that Apple launched when it first released iOS 8 in June of last year, essentially giving users the ability to type faster by learning your typing habits and suggesting possible words as you type.

QuickType and No QuickType

QuickType and No QuickType

For example, if you’re typing a particularly long word like “philosophical”, QuickType will eventually bring the word to the area just above the keyboard when you start typing. From there, you can tap on the word to have the rest of the word auto-typed for you.

If you haven’t enabled QuickType yet, open the app and go to . Scroll down and find where it says. Tap the toggle switch on the right (it turns green) to turn it on.

Use Text Expansion

QuickType is great and all, but text expansion is even better. Text expansion involves typing a short keyword and automatically typing a long piece of information or word corresponding to that keyword. It’s a lot like Harry Potter magic, you say magic words and then, poof, something magical happens. Other than text expansion, it’s less magical and more practical.


For example, I can make it automatically spit out my email address into the text box whenever I type “eml” on my iPhone keyboard, that way I don’t have to type it manually. This saves a ton of time overall and is much more convenient than having to type everything by hand every time, especially if you write something every day, like canned replies to emails.

If you don’t know yet, iOS has a built-in feature for text expansion. It’s pretty limited compared to dedicated third-party apps, but it’s a great place to start to get a feel for text expansion.

Just open the app and go to the section and open it. Tap on it to start creating your own emoticons. In the text box, type the word or phrase you want to pop up when you enter a short keyword or abbreviation. Then type that keyword or abbreviation in the text box. Once that’s done, tap on it in the top right corner and you’re done.

Third Party Keyboard Apps

With the release of iOS 8, Apple is allowing users to use third-party keyboards if they want, rather than being stuck with the default Apple keyboard. This is good news for those who want to be able to type faster.

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We offer a roundup of the best third-party keyboards for your iPhone, of which SwiftKey is one of the best options on the market. SwiftKey offers better word predictions than the default keyboard, with the ability to learn your typing habits over time.


There’s also a Flow option that lets you type by swiping from key to key. This takes some practice, but once you download it, it’s definitely a lot faster than traditional typing.

Use Simple Tricks to Type Faster

Another way to type faster on your iPhone 6 is to take advantage of some built-in keyboard tricks that many users don’t know about.

For example, instead of tapping the number key to bring up the number keyboard, tapping the number you want, and then tapping again to return to the letter keyboard, simply tap and hold the number key and then drag your keyboard. place your finger on the number you want and release. Easy, huh?

You can also do this with the Shift key when you need to capitalize a letter. Or double-tap the Shift key to activate Caps Lock.