How to turn off app update notifications 1

How to turn off app update notifications

When it was released last year, Android Lollipop introduced a brand new notification system. These are now more visible, but also more intrusive when it comes to it. small notificationslike they warn you this or that app has been updated. In fact, this is the most practical solution when you prefer your applications to be updated automatically.

  • on the same subject : How to manage your notifications on Android

However, it is very possible to transparent app update notifications by disabling them. And the good news is, it’s as easy as pie. But since not everyone knows this little trick yet, we will immediately explain how to do it.

1. Go to Play Store

app notifications

2. Swipe from left to right to bring up the menu or click the button on the top left and select the option “Settings”.

turn off app notifications

3. Uncheck “App updates available” and “Apps updated automatically”.

app update notifications

4. But be careful because if you uncheck the “App updates available” box previously chose automatic updates, you won’t be notified when a new version is available and it’s time to update manually. To choose automatic updates, all you have to do is:

  • Click on “Auto update apps”
  • Choose your update preferences

automatic updates

Note, however, that enabling automatic updates is not mandatory. Some users will find this option more convenient. Others will prefer to peruse each app’s innovations with a magnifying glass before committing to an update.

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