How to Turn Off 4G LTE on iPhone 5 1

How to Turn Off 4G LTE on iPhone 5

The iPhone 5 comes with a new faster data connection, 4G LTE, but in addition to using limited data plans faster, this new technology uses the iPhone 5 battery faster than 3G.

Apple claims that the iPhone 5 battery takes as long to surf the web on 4G LTE as it does on 3G, but some users will want to turn 4G LTE off for the same.

Users not covered by 4G LTE or living at the edge of 4G LTE coverage may want to prevent iPhone from switching connectivity or trying to use a low 4G LTE signal when there is stronger 3G coverage.

How to Turn Off iPhone 5 4G LTE

On the iPhone 5 Home Screen, go to .

Settings on iPhone 5.

Tap on it.

Turn off 4G LTE on iPhone 5

iPhone 5 Cellular Settings.

Tap on it.

How to Turn Off 4G LTE on iPhone 5

Turn off 4G LTE on iPhone 5.

Turn it off.

To turn 4G LTE back on, simply toggle the switch to On.

The same menu gives you control over which services use iPhone data and the option to turn data off entirely.

With the promise of all-day battery life on 4G LTE, most users should be able to use the iPhone 5 on 4G LTE all day without needing to turn it off, but if there’s a reason it’s good to know where the option is to turn off 4G LTE.

This solution works on Sprint, Verizon and AT&T iPhone 5 models.

Verizon offers the widest 4G LTE coverage among US carriers. AT&T is in second place and expanding. Sprint ranks last for 4G LTE coverage, but promises to roll out Sprint 4G LTE in 100 or more cities in the coming months.

It is easier to use data faster on 4G LTE, so Verizon users can follow these guidelines to check data usage on iPhone with My Verizon app.

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