How To Turn Off 4G LTE On Galaxy Nexus To Increase Battery Life 1

How To Turn Off 4G LTE On Galaxy Nexus To Increase Battery Life

Verizon’s Galaxy Nexus is a great phone, but if you live on the edge of 4G LTE coverage or need some extra battery life, you may want to turn 4G LTE off to save battery life.

I know it’s not the best solution to turn off the high speed connection to save battery life, but sometimes you have to choose between speed and battery life.

I only turn this off when I’m in an area where the coverage is very poor, the phone switches between 3G and 4G LTE very often, but you use this tip when you need longer battery life.

How to Turn Off 4G LTE on Galaxy Nexus

Fortunately, turning off 4G on Galaxy Nexus is very easy and does not require root or any special apps.

1. Pull down the notification bar.

2. Tap the Settings icon.
3. Under Wireless & Networks, tap More.

Turn off 4G LTE in Galaxy nexus Step 2

4. Scroll to and tap Mobile networks.

Turn off 4G LTE on Galaxy nexus Step 3

5. Tap on Network modes.

Turn off 4G LTE on Galaxy nexus Step 4

6. When prompted, tap CDMA.

This will force your phone to use the 3G connection until you follow these steps again and select LTE/CDMA.

These steps won’t affect your data plan or billing, and you can switch between these modes as often as you want.

Galaxy Nexus Batteries

Galaxy Nexus Batteries — You’ll Need More Than One.

I mostly keep my phone on the 4G LTE option, but when my coverage is very poor this trip allows me to stay connected and enjoy better battery life on the Galaxy Nexus.

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