How to Transfer Data Between Google Accounts? 1

How to Transfer Data Between Google Accounts?

If the quirky email id you chose earlier is no longer fun, or you just want a more professional-sounding e-mail id, there are many reasons to switch to a new e-mail address. However, creating a new account only solves half the problem. The other half is crucial data, including your emails, calendar, contacts, notes, and more. Fortunately, you can transfer data from one Google account to another in a few simple steps.

While possible, data transfer isn’t necessarily a simple one-click task as you have to transfer each item separately. To assist you in this process, we have created a step-by-step guide for transferring data between Google accounts.

1. Emails and Contacts

After creating the new Google account, you can easily sync your old emails and contacts by following the steps below.

Stage 1: Open Gmail and login with your new account. Click the Settings icon in the upper right corner and tap the ‘See all settings’ button.

Gmail Settings

Step 2: Now under the ‘Account & Import’ tab, select ‘Import mail and contacts’.

Import Mail and Contacts

Stage 3: A new window will open asking you to sign in with the account you want to import emails and contacts from.

Once verified, it will sync both email and contacts from your old account to your new account.

2. Google Drive Files

You can easily transfer files and folders backed up in your old Google account using the share option. Here’s how.

Stage 1: Open Google Drive and login with your old account.

Step 2: Find and select the files you want to transfer. Now right click on your selection and choose Share option from the list.

Share Files from Google Drive

Stage 3: Enter your new email address in the pop-up window that opens. Make sure you select the role as ‘Editor’ before pressing the share button.

Share with contact groups in Google Drive

Step 4: Again, right-click on the selection to open the Sharing menu. This time you will get two additional ‘Assign’ and ‘Remove’ options. Change this to ‘Make owner’ and click Yes when prompted.

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Own Shared Files

This much. All files, along with their ownership, are transferred to your new Google account.

3. Google Photos

The simplest way to transfer photos between accounts is the download and upload method. Let’s see how.

Stage 1: Open Google Photos and sign in with your old account. Now select all the photos you want to transfer and use the shortcut Ctrl+D to download them.

Google Photos

Step 2: The photos will be downloaded in a zip file. Extract the zip file to your computer.

Stage 3: Now open Google Photos and login with the new account. Tap the Upload button at the top to upload the extracted images to your computer.

Upload Photos to Google Photos

Depending on the number of images selected and internet speed, this process may take from a few minutes to several hours.

4. Calendar Events and Reminders

If you want to copy all your calendar events and reminders from one account to another, you can export the ICS file from one account and then import it to another account. Here’s how.

Stage 1: Open Google Calendar in a web browser and sign in with the old account.

Step 2: Under My Calendars on the left, select the three vertical dots next to the calendar you want to transfer and select Settings & sharing.

Download Google Calendar Data

Stage 3: Click the export calendar button and a zip file will be downloaded. Extract the zip file to include the ICS file.

Export Google Calendar

Step 4: Now login with your new Google calendar account and select the settings icon in the upper right corner and select Settings from the list.

Open Settings in Google Calendar

Step 5: Now go to the ‘Import and export’ tab on your left. Select ‘Choose file from your computer’ to open the ICS file. Finally, click the Import button.

Import Google Calendar File

Bonus: Download Google Account Data with Google Takeout

Using Google Takeout, you can easily download all the data associated with your Google account at once. Here’s how.

Stage 1: Go to the Google Takeout page (link below) and log in with the account you want to transfer data to.

Step 2: Page, contacts, emails, calendar, etc. It will show all kinds of data linked to your Google account, including Make the appropriate selection using the checkboxes and click the ‘Next step’ button at the bottom.

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Google Takeout

Stage 3: Now choose from available Delivery method, File type and size and Frequency. Finally, click on Create export. Once the export is created, click the download button and the zip will be downloaded to your device.

Create Google Takeout Export

Note: The download may take some time depending on the size of the data and the number of services selected.

Extract the downloaded zip file to your computer and you are now ready to upload the data to your new account. This way you can save all your photos, files, calendar, etc. You don’t need to download one by one.

Transport Made Easy

Although not simple, transferring data between Google accounts is not that difficult. Considering it’s a one-time process. While Google lets you switch to a new account with most of your data, Tasks, Play Store purchases, YouTube subscription data, etc. You will not receive the information. Also, you will not be allowed to transfer apps, games. , purchased music, or your Google Play balance.

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