How to Take Care of the Owner of a Lost iPhone 1

How to Take Care of the Owner of a Lost iPhone

People lose their iPhones out there all the time and are often found left by others in a cafe or accidentally dropped on the pavement. While some people have theft in their heart, you are one of those good guys or girls who want to find out who owns it and give it back to them.

However, this can be a little tricky, especially if the iPhone you found has a passcode lock. However, there are a few numbers you can use to find out who the owner is, or at least contact someone who can get you to the owner. You may feel a little guilty about tampering with someone else’s iPhone and seeing their personal information, but if that means finding out who owns the iPhone, you might have to.

If No Password Lock

If the iPhone you found doesn’t have passcode enabled, it’s pretty easy to find out who owns it. Open the People app and scroll down until “” appears to the right of a contact’s name. You now have the name of the iPhone owner.

Tapping their name will reveal more information about them. If they filled out their contact card in any way, you have their email address and/or postal address so you can easily send them an email telling them you found their lost iPhone or drive to their house. leave them alone, but this may not be the best approach if they don’t like unannounced guests.

Browse their contact lists for contacts that person might be related to, unless they have filled their contact card with extra contact information. 99% of the time, a person will have “mom” or “dad” as their name, so you can easily call one of their parents to get hold of the iPhone owner.


If you still prefer to contact the owner personally without having to go through a third party, you can open the email client they have installed and find their email address that way. It’s a little more invasive, but if you’re not planning on stealing any personal information, it’s really okay because you’re a good guy/girl, remember?

If there is a Password Lock

If the iPhone you found has a passcode lock, you should first applaud them for using a passcode lock, but ultimately it makes it a bit difficult to find out who owns it. However, there are still a few things you can try.

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First, use Siri to bypass the lock screen and search for one of the iPhone owner’s contacts. This will only work if the owner has enabled access to Siri from the lock screen, but it is likely to happen since the feature is enabled by default. From there, you can say “Call my mom” or “Call my dad” to Siri to get hold of the parents who handed you over to the rightful owner. Again, this only works if “mom” or “dad” is set as a name in the owner’s contact list. You can also say “Email me” to send the owner an email directly from Siri.


If Siri is blocked from being used on the lock screen, you’re completely out of luck, but your options are slim. You can try plugging it into your computer and the iPhone’s phone number will pop up, but that info alone is pretty useless.

The next best option is to take it to an Apple Store or a carrier store and tell them the iPhone is lost (which may be the easiest way since you don’t have to deal with it anymore) is to leave the phone on. and wait. Keep the iPhone charged and powered on so that if the owner calls or a friend calls at some point, you can answer it and tell them you lost their iPhone.

Keeping the iPhone turned on also gives the original owner a chance to locate the iPhone using Find My iPhone. From there, he’ll probably assume you stole it, but at least you’ll be able to get his iPhone back and you both get to live your life.

don’t let this happen to you

Losing your iPhone is never fun, but it will make life a lot easier if you set your iPhone up to be easy to find if it gets lost. Make sure you have Find My iPhone enabled, and if you’re jailbroken, check out some of these jailbreak tweaks you can use to block iPhone thieves.

However, if you come across a lost iPhone, be a good samaritan and return it to its rightful owner.

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